Petrov, Konstantin M.

Neuropsychological characteristics of cognitive processes in migraine patientsLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2007, 2. p. 128-133read more3156
The article presents the results of empirical studies of information processing in patients with migraine in a headache period and in healthy control by means of tests for the assessment of psychopathological symptoms and cognitive styles tests: Gottschaldt’s Embedded figures test (EFT) (style field dependence/field independence) and Cluster Classification test — a new method, based on the design of artificial concepts. Patients with migraine showed lower stability and selectivity of the processes of structuring information. A positive correlation of structure in patients with migraine and exposure to psychopathological processes (healthy observed an inverse relationship) may be a consequence of adaptation to high for them requirements for the structuring of information imposed by the environment.
Keywords: cluster classification test; cognitive styles; migraine; information processing; field-dependence/field-independence styles