Shlyapnikov, Vladimir N.

Lomonosov Moscow State University
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Moscow, Russia
The dynamics of volitional regulation through the work adjustment of internsLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2007, 4. p. 75-83read more3920
The results of studying the dynamics of volitional regulation through the work adjustment in three groups of interns (length of service: less 1 year — n=42, 1—3 years — n=47, 3—5 years — n=27) are presented. Following significant differences between the groups are discovered: “Action control scale”, emotional self-control, intrinsic and positive extrinsic work motivation, motivation for achievements, attraction of profession, “Purpose-in-Life test”. The positive correlation between the success in work adjustment and the volitional activity of interns in their occupation are demonstrated.
Keywords: volitional regulation; volitional activity; professional adaptation; self-control; action orientation; state orientation; work motivation