Klochko Vitalii E.

The problem of consciousness in psychology: post-nonclassical viewLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2014, 3. p. 20-35read more5262
From the standpoint of transspektiv approach examines trends in the development of the problem of consciousness in science, which is at an early stage of transition to a new paradigm settings post-nonclassical level. The basic controversy that arose in the classical and nonclassical stage of development psychology of consciousness. Argues that the resolution of these contradictions must use thinking of a higher system level, a fact that leads to the tendency of transition of science to the new paradigm of science settings. We consider three factors that determine the current status of the problem of consciousness. One of them is due to the peculiarities of social development, by which the problem of consciousness is today one of the most important problems. The second factor is due to changes in the structure of scientific knowledge, which show that the multi-disciplinary approach begins to transform into a trans-disciplinary campaign, thus ensuring the integration of science and human knowledge needed to solve the problem of consciousness. The third factor is the internal tendencies of development of psychological science. Showing the stages of evolution of psychological thinking: stand features one-dimensional binary logic inherent in classical science, binary-ternary logic, which uses non-classical psychology. In a multi-dimensional logic, which develops post-nonclassical science, man is viewed as a complex spatiotemporal organization, open to the world and to himself self-developing system, and consciousness does not open in a discrete part (as a functioning body), and in its continuity and long-range. In the post-nonclassical perspective meanings appear as special psychological structures that provide substantive content of consciousness and suggest ways in which people can act, realizing sense and the value of their actions.
Keywords: awareness; meaning; post-nonclassical science; self-development; open systems; multi-dimensional thinking
Ontology of sense and sense-formation (Reflections on the anniversary of O.K. Tikhomirov).Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2013, 2. p. 106-120read more9005
The paper shows the path from the cultural-activity approach, represented by the names of L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, O.K. Tikhomirov, to the ontology of personal meanings and to the psychological mechanisms of generation of such meanings. It is argued that O.K. Tikhomirov’s personal meanings theory of thinking has exceeded the non-classical notions of sense formation and can therefore be considered as a part of the theoretical and methodological basis of cognitive science, dealing with the ideals of post-nonclassical rationality. Siberian scientists developed systematic anthropological psychology in its development is based on the O.K. Tikhomirov ideas about the ontological nature of operational meaning and tries to determine the possibility of cultural psychology in the activity of new (post-nonclassical) conditions. However, it relies on the notion of complementarity (selective and directed) as a mechanism of interaction of meaning. It is suggested that a complimentary interaction manifests itself at different levels of organization of matter, thus ensuring the stability of the universe as self-developing system.
Keywords: O.K. Tikhomirov’s semantic theory of thinking ; sense formation ; postnonclassical scientific rationality
Personal meanings theory of thinking in the transspective of psychological knowledge formation: epistemological analysisLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2008, 2. p. 87-101read more3744
The article deals with the semantic theory of thinking worked out by O.K. Tikhomirov which is considered a unique epistemological phenomenon. By means of its development the theory demonstrates the assimilation of three types of scientific rationality beginning with classical type, passing to non- classical and then to post- non- classical. It is stated in the article that the transspective analysis allows the investigator to examine the formation of scientific theory and to reveal the reasons which determine the “paradigm shifts” taking place in psychology and which are connected with the objective tendencies of the development of scientific knowledge. The article shows the real examples of the ways how the theory falsifies itself forcedly producing the facts, which can be explained only by means of the transition to the new level of its system organization. In accordance with the facts mentioned we can observe the rise of the level of professionalpsychological thinking.
Keywords: types of scientific rationality; transspective analysis; the self-development of scientific theory; self-organization in psychological systems; trends in the development of science; the levels of scientific theory; a paradigm shift