Kontoboytseva, Mariya G.

Ph.D in Pedagogics
Ph.D in Psychology
Yekaterinburg, Russia
Intervention programs of persistence development for low-educated cadets of higher educational institutions of emergency ministry of RussiaLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2015, 1. p. 104-114read more6247
This paper provides a definition of persistence with systematic approach. It is represented intervention program for the persistence development for the low-educated cadets of the educational institutions of the Emergency Ministry of Russia. It is held a controlling measure of the persistence level in group of low-educated cadets on the modified measurement of persistence test and it is found that 10 structural parameters of persistence from 16 significantly have changed: after intervention studies the regulatory and dynamic and regulatory components increased all “inharmonic” variables and “harmonic” variable such as energy. In terms of content and stylistic aspects of productive and reflectiveevaluative components it is increased the “harmonic” (substantive scope, operational difficulties) and “inharmonic” (awareness, emotional difficulties) characteristics, and it is decreased the importance of egocentricity. This is due to increased difficulties in the implementation of persistent behaviors associated with the fact that cadets have understood more widely these characteristics and set it to subject realization.
Keywords: persistence; persistence components; systematic approach; loweducated cadets; intervention program DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2015.01.104