Gordeeva, Т.О.

Dr. Sci. (Psychology)
Professor at the Department of Psychology of Education and Pedagogy, Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Leading Researcher at the Laboratory of Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy, Federal Scientific Centre for Psychological and Multidisciplinary Research.
Factors Influencing Students’ Motivation and Academic Performance: The Role of Parental Control and Autonomy SupportLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2024, 3. p. 33-55read more1072
Background. The study examines the role of control and autonomy support as two of the most important factors in parenting. A scientific analysis of the consequences of parental control and support for autonomy is necessary both to deepen theoretical understanding of the role of autonomy in relations between parents and children and to develop sound practical recommendations.
Objective. The goal is to analyse the direct and indirect (through academic motivation) links of autonomy support and parental control in childhood with the academic achievements of students.
Study Participants. Russian university students (N = 281, MA = 19.8, SD = 2.01, 78% female).
Methods. Parenting style in childhood (P-PASS), academic motivation, including scales of intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and amotivation, and average academic performance were assessed.
Results. The main hypothesis about the positive association between parental autonomy support in childhood and the academic achievements of students, mediated by intrinsic academic motivation, was confirmed. It has been shown that the controlling style is a predictor of external motivation and amotivation, which in turn are negatively related to intrinsic motivation.
Conclusion. Results of the study indicate the important role of parental practices, differentiated within self-determination theory for the students’ (de) motivation and academic performance. In particular, the importance of autonomy support and the negative contribution of parental control are shown at much later stages of socialization, the stage of emerging adulthood.
Keywords: parents; autonomy support; parental control; academic motivation; academic performance; university students DOI: 10.11621/LPJ-24-28
Motivational profiles as predictors of students’ self-regulation and academic achievementLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2017, 1. p. 67-87read more4132
In this study we tested the hypothesis about advantage of academic motivation profile with dominating intrinsic motivation over another profile with equally high intrinsic, self-esteem and controlled types of motivation (and low level of amotivation). Latent class analysis confirmed the suggestion that these two profiles are most typical in university students. Students with high and dominating intrinsic motivation showed highest curiosity, consistency of interests, perceived academic control and academic achievements but didn’t differ from students with high controlled motivation by the perseverance of effort that was high in both types. Generally the results show that high extrinsic controlled motivation is a disadvantageous factor that decreases student motivational potential. The results are discussed from the point of view of self-determination theory and need model of motivation.
Keywords: controlled motivation; self-determination theory; academic motivation; motivational profiles; intrinsic motivation DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2017.01.69
Basic types of motivation of the human activity: Needbased modelLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2014, 3. p. 63-78read more41327
In the article the contemporary state of the problem of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of human activity is analyzed. The impact of Russian psychologists in its solving as well as the self-determination theory approach (E. Deci & R.Ryan) to different types of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is discussed. A new model of intrinsic and different types of extrinsic motivation is proposed; it is based upon notion of basic psychological needs and allows characterizing main types of motivation of human activity, which differ in their content and origin. The intrinsic motivation is described as based on basic human needs in achievement, self-development and cognition (on the material of intrinsic motivation of learning activity) which are characterized by unsaturability. The functioning of extrinsic motivation depends upon satisfaction or frustration of autonomy, respect and acceptance needs. Two main subtypes of extrinsic motivation are distinguished — autonomous and controlled, which differ in terms of its content (orientation), relations with performance, persistence and subjective well-being. Autonomous extrinsic motivation does nоt impede academic attainments, professional achievements and subjective well-being. The studies conducted by the author and other psychologists show that the dominance of controlled motivation in motivational profile is related to lowered subjective well-being and does not promote academic and professional achievements. The practical implications of the model are provided.
Keywords: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation ; basic psychological needs; self-determination theory; autonomous motivation; controlled motivation; learning motivation ; professional motivation
Russian-Language Version of the Savoring Beliefs InventoryLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2022, 1. p. 298-322read more2150
The Savoring Beliefs Inventory (SBI) is a measure to assess individuals’ beliefs about their capacity to savor positive life experience. Studies showed positive association of savoring with happiness and well-being. The Russian adaptation of the SBI will help to expand research in the fields of psychological well-being and emotion regulation.
Objective. The present study aimed to validate the Russian version of the SBI and determine its factorial structure.
Method. The participants were 490 adults mainly from Moscow. The following measures were used: the Russian version of the SBI, the life orientation test, the attributional style questionnaire, the Rosenberg self-esteem scale, the gratitude scale, the positive and negative affect scale, the satisfaction with life scale, the subjective happiness scale, and the Riff’s scale of psychological well-being.
Results. Confirmatory factor analysis has supported the theoretically expected three-factor structure of the measure. Three factors of savoring the moment, anticipation and reminiscence were moderately related. The validity of the methodology is confirmed by correlations of savoring with indicators of psychological well-being, happiness, dispositional optimism, optimistic attributional style for positive events, gratitude, positive affect, life satisfaction and self-esteem. All three subscales of savoring and total savoring score showed high level of internal consistency. The convergent and structural validity of the method was proved.
Conclusion. The study showed that the Russian version of the SBI is a valid and reliable instrument to assess savoring ability both in total and in three aspects of the past, present and future.Keywords: savoring; savoring strategies; psychological well-being; happiness; positive emotions DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2022.01.13
Intrinsic and extrinsic learningmotivation of high academic achievers.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2011, 3. p. 33-45read more20979
The study conducted at a representative sample of 6—11 graders from regularsecondary schools (N=665) has shown, that high academic achievers are characterizedby particular motivational profile, i.e. high level of intrinsic motivation and lowerlevel of extrinsic motivation based on the striving to get recognition and respect fromparents, teachers and classmates than their less successful peers. Besides that, observeddifferences in extrinsic motivation of boys and girls allowed to explain gender differencesin academic achievement favoring girls. This data should be used selecting children tospecial classes and schools for gifted and developing programs for teachers and parentsthat support intrinsic motivation in children.
Keywords: learning motivation ; academic achievement ; intrinsic and extrinsic motivation