Polyanskiy, Vladimir B.

Doctor of Biology
Doctor of Biology
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Moscow, Russia
E.N. Sokolov’s school and psychophysiological studies on animalsLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2010, 4. p. 140-148read more3986
This article is devoted to E.N. Sokolov and his role in the scientific guidance to neurophysiology studies. Research of animal’s visual cortex neurons showed that many features of neuronal discharges, e.g. correlation with EEG-activity, coincide with such features revealed in human psychophysiology studies. Sensory spaces were revealed using the rates of animal’s neuronal discharges in response to substitution of stimuli with different intensity, color and orientation. These spaces were similar to such spaces reconstructed using psychophysiological methods in human. Coincidence of spaces structure and some other facts corroborate the theory of vector encoding of information in nervous system.
Keywords: vector coding; psychophysiological studies on animals; visual cortex; sensory space