Kolpakov, Yaroslav V.

Moscow, Russia
Cognitive and behavior predictors of treatment motivation at the women with alcohol addictionLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2009, 4. p. 44-54read more4188
In article are described main results of the study cognitive and behavior predictors of treatment motivation beside 150 women with alcohol addiction are described. 3 level-groups were chosen: with negative, with ambitendent-ambivalent-unstable and with positive levels of treatment motivation. For each level-group of treatment motivation typical determined particularities cognitive and behavior predictors of treatment motivation: the recognition of disease, the ambitendent-ambivalent relation to disease, the general self-efficacy, the alcohol abstinence self-efficacy, coping- strategy and the persistence in achievement of the purpose of treatment activities are revealed. These predictors can be targets of psychotherapy of the women with alcohol addiction.
Keywords: alcohol addiction; treatment motivation; cognitive predictors; behavior predictors