Guoyao, Lu
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Moscow, Russia
Influence of the decentration ability on the level of concrete-operational structure formation at the senior preschool childrenLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2009, 2. p. 45-55read more3877
The experimental research is directed on verifying of possibility and efficiency of formation of logic operations (classification, ranking) and understanding of a principle of conservation through formation of the decentration ability at children by the method developed by authors. Following positions are substantiated and confirmed. Formation of the decentration ability at children of the senior preschool age in the course of specially organized training influences on change of degree of intensity of an egocentrism and raises the decentration ability, influences on change of logic operations (classification, ranking) formation and understanding of a principle of conservation (length, quantity of substance and water volume) level. All changes after the formation are nonrandom.
Keywords: children’s egocentrism; the decentration ability; logic operations of classification; ranking; conservation principle understanding