Puzep, Lubov G.

Ph.D in Psychology
Branch of Omsk State Pedagogical University,
Tara, Russia.
The influence of student teaching on the formation of motivational readiness and competency of the graduate teaching high school for future careersLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2013, 3. p. 127-134read more4026
The article presents the results of investigation of a study of motivational readiness and competency of the graduate teaching high school for future careers. Th e main indicators of readiness: 1) presence of a positive professional motivation (PM); 2) positive expert opinion leaders about the practice bases of formation and manifestation of student competence in the implementation of professional activities; 3) the successful delivery of the student fi nal examinations. Trends in the PM of students during the period of teaching practice were identifi ed with the help of “Motivation techniques of professional activity” by K. Zamfi r in the modifi cation of A. Rean. To determine the success of the internship was used developed by the authors “list of expert assessments”, which includes job practices and competencies generated in the process of learning activities. These procedures allow tracking of the respondents (n=9) identify a positive trend in the change of PM and competence exhibited by them in the course of teaching practice. It is concluded that the possibility of using this technique in any pedagogical high school and has a profi le of preparation, “Applied Psychology in Education”.
Keywords: professional motivation; competence; readiness for professional work; students-teachers