Larionova, Ekaterina V.

Moscow, Russia
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy in the study of mnestic activityLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2013, 3. p. 59-72read more3804
The task of this study was an analysis of the diff erent features of memory and of their relationship with the data of magnetic resonance spectroscopy. According to the results of neuropsychological examination we identifi ed options for detailed analysis of mnestic activities (through forms of memorization, types of errors and others) that enhance the structural characteristics of the memory obtained by means of neuroimaging. Th e subjects were 20 women aged 24 to 75 years, mostly over 52 years. Th e magnetic resonance spectroscopy data were analyzed through the age of the subjects and areas of the brain. We analyzed the components of the spectrum: Glutamine; Glycine; Glycerophosphocholine; Creatine; N-acety aspartate/Malate; Methionine; N-acetyl aspartate; Proline; Lactate/Th reonine. Th e signifi cant diff erences were found, that indicate the possible role of the right inferior parietal cortex in mnestic activities (we identifi ed numerous signifi cant correlations of memory parameters with the spectrum of N-acetyl aspartate in this region). We found also the relations between the mnestic activities and the spectra Glycerophosphocholine and Creatine in the left hippocampus: an increase in their concentration correlates with improved productivity and stability of memorization, as well as a decrease of errors. Lactate, Th reonine in the right hippocampus are likely to have the opposite eff ect on mnestic activity – the corresponding signifi cant correlations were found.
Keywords: mnestic activity; neuropsychological assessment; magnetic resonance spectroscopy