Nagorskaya, Irina A.

Lomonosov Moscow State University
Moscow, Russia
Memory disorders in pediatric patients with drug-resistant focal symptomatic epilepsyLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2014, 2. p. 119-125read more4971
The paper presents the specificity of the verbal memory impairments in pediatric patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy depending on the localization of the epileptogenic lesion. 81 children (age 7—17) performed comprehensive neuropsychological assessment including verbal and spatial memory tests. Scores in memory tests were associated with operational, motivational and neurodynamic components of memory function. The neuropsychological qualitative analysis shows the specificity of verbal memory disorders in pediatric patients with drug-resistant focal (temporal and frontal lobe) symptomatic epilepsy depending on the localization of epileptogenic lesion. Children with refractory temporal lobe epilepsy demonstrate the decrease in volume of auditory perception and immediate recall. Children with refractory frontal lobe epilepsy demonstrate lower performance in almost all scores of verbal memory that emphasize deterioration of motivational and neurodynamic components of memory function.
Keywords: developmental neuropsychology; memory disorders; verbal memory; symptomatic epilepsy