Kuznetsova, Svetlana O.
Ph.D in Psychology
Moscow, Russia
Psychological characteristics of hostility in patients with schizophrenia, schizoaffective and affective disordersLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2014, 3. p. 92-103read more7545
This article presents the results of an empirical study on the role of hostility in the etiopathogenesis of mental illness such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective and affective disorders. The relationship of the general level of hostility and enmity with the qualitative aspects of the objective characteristics of mental illness (duration and nosology) is described in the following article. The sample consists of 161 people, of which the clinical group consisted of 81 patients who are hospitalized in the 4th department of the clinic affective pathology. Comparison was made with a control group of healthy persons, which included 80 men who do not suffer from mental and neurological disorders. The study used the following methods: semantic differential (modification by Ohmatovskaya A.V.), World assumptions scale, Constructive Thinking Index (CTI), Cook-Medley Hostility scale, Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire, Wechsler memory scale, Wagner’s “Hand-test” (modification by A.V. Gerasimov). It was found that mentally ill patients were showing significantly higher quantitative measures of hostility, compared with the norm. Psychopathological marked qualitative specificity of hostility expressed in suspicion, ambivalence, extrapunitive and generalized hostility. According to the results, hostility has not direct connection with the nosology specific of the mental disorders, and does not depend on the patient’s age and duration of disease.
Keywords: hostility; mental illness; schizophrenia; affective disorder; schizoaffective disorder; bio-psychosocial model of etiopathogenesis
Specificity of the manifestations of aggression in patients with depression different nosology, severity and durationLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2014, 2. p. 75-89read more8966
This article describes the nature of the relationship of quantitative and qualitative aspects of aggressiveness with nosology, duration and severity of depression. The study involved 87 patients with a depressive disorder (31 women and 56 men) aged 17 to 46 years. Depressive disorder occurs as an independent disease, or combined with other mental illnesses. The diagnosis was recorded as a psychiatrist in the history of the disease. The study used the following methodology: Zung’s method, Beck scale, Toronto Alexithymia Scale, Wagner’s “Hand-test” (A.V. Gerasimov’s modification), Buss—Durkey Inventory, The Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration Study (N.V. Tarabrina’s modification), computer psychophysiological method “Operator”. The quantitative and qualitative character of aggressiveness in patients with mental disorders as compared with healthy subjects is shown. In depressed patients compared to healthy subjects are more pronounced aggression, suspicion, resentment and hostility. Intensity of these parameters increases with worsening depression and with increasing duration of disease severity decreased aggressiveness. Level of physical aggression is higher at depressive disorder within psychopathy. In the group of female patients with depression increased aggressiveness, in the group of male patients with depression increased general and physical aggression. In depressive disorders worsens assess and recognize the emotional state of others and their own.
Keywords: endogenous mental pathology; depression; aggression; aggressiveness; emotional expression