Sazonova, Elena V.

Moscow, Russia
The psychological aspect of adolescent interest in Harry PotterLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2014, 1. p. 47-58read more4386
The article is devoted to the investigation of adolescents’ interest to the books about Harry Potter. Theoretically it is proved that these texts are written in the genre of fantasy, which is characterized by an initiative action of the hero, his decision to act.A preliminary research (1052 respondents, interviews, focus-groups, instrument “associations”, “unfinished clauses”) has revealed that adolescents’ interest focuses at the hero’s action and its characteristics — the place andmagic tools. The principal research was conducted by the instrument “semantic differential” using scales derived from the preliminary research (214 respondents at the age of 13—18).
The research has revealed the following: most attractive for adolescents are those aspects of “Harry Potter” by J. Rowling that are connected with an initiative of the hero, his/her goal achievement, proactive action. Such an action is possible if the personage applies own efforts (agility, skill, desire to win, commitment); possesses magic tools that help to be powerful, capable, secure and free and unembarrassed; acts in special environment — unpredictable, dangerous, hard, meaningful. The real world is perceived by teenagers as grey, sad, devoid of purpose. It deprives action.
Keywords: modern adolescents; adolescents’ interest; semantic differential