Pikulyova, Oksana A.

Ph.D in Psychology
St Petersburg, Russia
Social and psychological factors in choosing assertive tactics of self-presentation of the student youthLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2014, 1. p. 33-46read more4349
The article presents the results of empirical research of the interaction between personal values and self-presentational behavior. The main hypothesis of the study was that there are differences in the value priorities and preference of tactics and strategies of self-presentation of personality caused by social (ethnic and cultural affiliation, region of residence, gender identity) and psychological (self-monitoring) factors. The study involved 209 students (average age of 20 years). In Vyborg for processing were accepted respondents defined their identity as Russians and reported as a religion, Orthodoxy, in Nalchik, the questionnaire respondents defined their identity as Kabardins or Balkars and reported as a religion Islam. In the result of the study revealed that there is a direct connection between the machines on individualism and manifestation assertive self-presentational behavior (level of significance p<0.001). Personality-focused values, which support the desire of the individual to material success and the individual’s social achievements, contribute to the orientation of the person on assertive strategy of self-presentation “Self-enhancement”, and socio-focused value orientations aimed at care about the welfare of others — hinder. Using assertive tactics and strategies of self-presentation is connected with a high level of self-monitoring, regardless of the ethnic and cultural differentiation.
Keywords: self-presentation; tactics and strategies of self-presentation; self-monitoring; personal values