Vartanova, I. I.

Cand. Sci. (Psychology)
Department of Educational Psychology and Pedagogy, the Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Manifestation of Cognitive-emotional Conflict in Self-Attitude of High School Students of Different SexLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2023, 3. p. 58-74read more1214
Background. Despite a significant number of studies of self-attitude, the specifics of self-attitude in high school students of different sexes remains insufficiently studied due to the peculiarities of their conscious (cognitive) and emotional regulation.
Objective. The target is to identify the relationship between the frequency of manifestations of cognitive-emotional conflict during the video dialogue with the parameters of self-attitude in high school students of different sexes.
Methods. Manifestations of cognitive-emotional conflict were recorded in a video dialogue and identified on the basis of formalized integral expert assessments. During the dialogue, questions or approval of the methodology “Research of self-relationship” by S.R. Pantileev were pronounced aloud by the experimenter. The respondent had to answer aloud in detail, and after the answer spontaneous clarifying questions and remarks of the experimenter, uttered in order to provoke a cognitive-emotional conflict and to increase emotionality of the dialogue were possible. The dialogue was conducted by an experienced psychologist (woman).
Sample. The study involved 37 people — schoolchildren, grades 8–11 (average age 15 years, standard deviation 1.5 years) from different cities of the Russian Federation (15 boys and 22 girls).
Results. As a result of correlation analysis of 9 parameters of self-attitude and the frequency of occurrence of cognitive-emotional conflict, it was shown that the frequency of conflict is associated with the nature of self-attitude and has a pronounced gender specificity. It was revealed that boys have a significant correlation only with the scale “closedness — openness”, while girls — with the scales “self-acceptance”, “self-attachment”, “internal conflict” and “self-accusation”.
Conclusions. It was found that the more are young men characterized by openness, reflection and self-criticism, the more often they manifest cognitive-emotional conflict in the experimental situation. In girls, the emergence of a cognitive-emotional conflict in a research situation is associated with a decrease in self-acceptance (a general negative background of self-perception), self-worth (dissatisfaction with oneself and the desire to change oneself), as well as a general high internal conflict and self-accusation.
Practical application of the results. The results obtained are important both for differentiated education and for organizing more effective psychological support for students in the framework of educational work at school.
Keywords: self-awareness; emotions; self-attitude; cognitive-emotional conflict; gender; high school students DOI: 10.11621/LPJ-23-27
Age Specifi city of the Relationship between the Emotional and Conceptual Components of Learning MotivationLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2022, 2. p. 108-127read more1345
Background. The work is devoted to the study of age and gender characteristics of the relationship of emotional reflection by high school students of objects-values of school life and their awareness of the reasons for the need for schooling (motivations).
Objective of this work was to study the gender and age characteristics of the relationship of emotional reflection by high school students of the objects-values of school life and their awareness of the reasons for the need for schooling (motivations).
Methods. The structure of the emotional attitude to the values of school life was revealed with the help of factor analysis of assessments according to the method of Semantic Differential. Variants of explanations-motivators of the reasons for attending school (70 variants) were identified using a special questionnaire. The degree of relationship between the identified factors of emotional attitude and motivations was assessed by calculating Pearson's correlation coefficients.
Sample. Pupils in grades 8 — 11 (aged 15 — 17) of two Moscow schools with a traditional learning paradigm took part in the survey voluntarily (with the consent of their parents). According to method 1 (semantic differential), a total of 346 students were interviewed, of which only 197 students were interviewed using method 2 (questionnaire). As a result, data were obtained for four groups of students consisting of 1) 46 junior (grades 8 — 9) and 2) 51 older (grades 10 — 11) boys, 3) 48 junior (grades 8 — 9) and 4) 52 older (grades 10 — 11) girls who underwent both methods simultaneously.
Results. As a result, it was found that in younger and older girls four emotional-motivational factors are distinguished, while in younger boys only three. The motivation of boys becomes more differentiated as they grow up (four factors are distinguished). The revealed interrelations between factors-motives of emotional attitude and variants of conscious explanation of the reasons for studying at school (motivations) reveal significant differences between students of different sex and age.
Conclusion. The degree and nature of coordination during development is largely determined by the type of dominant motivation for learning activity. For students with achievement motivation, self-affirming educational and educational cognitive motivation, the emotional and verbal level of attitude to the values of school life is well coordinated.
Keywords: motivation; emotions; high school students; age; meaning; personality; educational activity DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2022.02.05