Shmeleva, Irina A.

Ph.D in Psychology
Ph.D in Psychology
St Petersburg, Russia
The problem of human—environment interactions: areas and aspects of psychological studyLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2010, 3. p. 105-120read more4345
The psychological aspects of interdisciplinary problems of human—environment interactions are discussed in the paper. increase of interest to the problem is justified resulting also from the intensification of global environmental problems humanity is facing and also from the needs of psychological maintenance of the concept of «Sustainable Development». Trends in western psychology combined by the common scientific problem of human-environment interaction having the substantive and methodological crossing are examined, among them: «Ecological psychology», «Ecopsychology», «Environmental psychology» and «Psychology of Sustainable Development». Multiple meanings of «ecology» notion widely used in modern psychological discourse are discussed. it is alleged that matches the context of foreign and russian studies will contribute to the more active insertion of psychologists in the reality of human interaction with the environment
Keywords: the concept of ecology in psychology; ecological psychology; ecopsychology; environmental psychology; psychology of sustainable development