Pankratova, Alina A.

Ph.D in Psychology
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Moscow, Russia
Emotional intelligence: possibility to improve Mayer—Salovey—Caruso’s model and testLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2010, 3. p. 52-64read more5527
The basic theories of emotional intelligence and two alternative approaches to its assessment are considered in this article. The advantage of the ability model (J.D. Mayer, P. Salovey, D.r. Caruso) before mixed models (D. goleman and r. Bar-On) and also the advantage of performance-based measures as a method of emotional intelligence assessment in comparison to self-report measures are proved. The critical analysis of MSCEiT tasks from the point of view of its consistency with the emotional intelligence concept, with the ability model and with the theory of emotions is carried out. The conclusion is made about that it is possible to reduce the model structure to three abilities — recognition of emotions, understanding of the reasons of emotions, management of emotions. The directions of test improvement are discussed: developing tasks basing on a certain range of emotions and cognitive theory of emotions, as well as changing the tasks presentation form to video situations.
Keywords: emotional intelligence; the mixed models; the ability model; the assessment of emotional intelligence; MSCEIT test