Mikheev, Vyacheslav A.

Ph.D in Psychology
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Moscow, Russia
Systemic reflection and its psychotechniques maintenance in the process of professional becomingLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2017, 1. p. 105-120read more3909
This article is devoted to the investigation of the role, which the systemic reflection plays in the organization, initiation and direction of the process of professional becoming. Reflection is considered as the most important regulative component of personality, which opens to the human the possibility of self-regulation and self-management that allows him to be an active subject of professional becoming. We distinguish three types of reflexive processes, which support the subjective orientation of the process of professionalization and open to the specialists the opportunity to “problematize themselves”. “Problematization of oneself ” on the basis of personal preferences and meanings, which are extracted from the direct experience of prior psychotechnical work, orients the specialists regarding the future steps of professionalization. We discuss the psychotechnical tools, which open the possibility of reflection for working out significant aspects of professionalism. We give self-reports of students who analyzed their professional possibilities by the proposed psychotechnical means.
Keywords: professional formation; subjective orientation; systemic reflection; help psychotechniques DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2017.01.110
Phenomenological hermeneutics of professional formationLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2016, 3. p. 16-24read more4196
The article discusses the main ideas and provisions of the phenomenological-hermeneutic approach to professional development as opposed objectivism psycho-diagnostic methods (tests) and formative approaches. The principle of subjectivity/authorship and moral relationship to ongoing activities are introduces. Available psycho-technics guides and supports the efforts of the “adept” (people who chose the field of their future professional activity) on personal relation to the objectives and the course of his professional development.
Keywords: phenomenological approach; hermeneutical understanding; personal and professional self-determination; professional formation; sense; dialogue; personal experience; potential; problematization of myself; the principle of subjectivity (authorship); accompanying psycho-technics DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2016.03.16
Three basic moments of vocational training: based on the experience of conducting lessonsLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2010, 2. p. 111-120read more3320
The article shows that the educational sets formulated by prof. Klimov and proved to be effective for training both teachers and psychologists. The author beleifes that three key points of professional training (that is a keen sense of animateness, an ability of obtaining any psychological knowledge required as well as active cognitive position) are common for all human-related professions. The article also briefly describes the “Introduction to profession” course.
Keywords: psychic reality; sense of animateness; psychological knowledge; cognitive skills; oversituational activity; expert; professional; elliptic theory of mind; creative activity