Zotova, Nataliya N.

Lomonosov Moscow State University
Moscow, Russia
Origin of errors of senior pupils when choosing a profession and the possibility of their preventive maintenanceLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2010, 2. p. 102-110read more4035
In the literature on professional self-determination there is a notion about a successful choice of a profession as conscious, independent and responsible. The analysis of errors of senior pupils when they choose a profession has shown, that the most common reason of errors is low consciousness of the main factors of the choice – «I want» and «I can». Therefore it is necessary to start the psychological support of professional self-determination of teenagers with their personal self-determination as a necessary stage of professional self-determination.
Keywords: a successful choice of a profession; an error in choice; awareness; self-consciousness; independence; responsibility; personal and professional self-determination
Personal characteristics and successfulness of preparation of young psychologistsLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2009, 1. p. 53-67read more4201
The second phase of a longitude study of influence of some psychological characteristics on professional preparation of psychologists is described in the article. young psychologists in their third year were studied. It is demonstrated that emotional stability, motivation to learning, communication skills, which influenced progress of students in their first year, are important factors of professional preparation two years later. Descriptions of some subjects are presented as examples.
Keywords: professional motivation; individual and personal growth; motivation to learning; emotional stability; interpersonal interaction