Mikhailova, Olga A.

Ph.D in Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Moscow, Russia
Attention and memory as determinants of change blindnessLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2015, 1. p. 20-41read more7763
The article presents the results of experimental study that found the effects of attention and working memory on the change blindness phenomenon manifestation. In “flicker” paradigm 93 participants solved the task of change detection in two consistently presenting images. The participants was divided into several groups by the magnitudes of concentration and allocation of attention, estimated using Bourdon’s correction test, as well as on the accuracy and time of identification of the target stimulus in the DMS working memory test. Found a positive influence of the concentration and allocation of attention on the search changes duration. The effects of working memory indexes were different: improving the accuracy of identification of the target stimulus was associated with an increase in the search time but in contrast the speed of identification positive effects on the search changes duration. The results allow to suppose that the specific role of attention and memory resources in the change blindness.
Keywords: spatial attention; change blindness; attention concentration; allocation of attention; working memory DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2015.01.20