Solovieva, Yu.V.

Dr. Sci. (Psychology)
Professor at the Faculty of Psychology, Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla, Mexico; Faculty of Sciences for Human Development, Autonomous University of Tlaxcala, Mexico, Federal Center for Psychological and Multidisciplinary Research, Moscow, Russian Federation.
Effects of the Intervention Programme for a Mexican Adolescent with Absence Epilepsy and Learning Difficulties, Based on the Syndromic Analysis MethodologyLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2025, 1. p. 202-240read more274
Background. The syndromic analysis methodology allows to discover the mechanisms underlying a particular neuropsychological syndrome and helps to deter mine the means and methods to overcome difficulties.
Objectives. The objective of the present study was to carry out the neuropsychological diagnosis process for an adolescent with difficulties in school learning and epilepsy, with an assessment before and after the application of a neuropsychological intervention programme.
Study Participants. The case study refers to a Mexican 13-year-old male student, left-handed.
Methods. The type of study was a single case study based on the theoretical methodological assumptions of historical-cultural neuropsychology.
Results. The syndromic analysis methodology allowed us to identify symptomatology related in two aspects: a) difficulties in the planning, regulation and control mechanism of conscious activity, and b) primary motor difficulties with muscle tone impairment. The impact of the applied intervention programme was positive which is expressed not only in the improvement of the difficulties reported in the initial diagnosis (pre-intervention), but also in improvements in the performance of graphic-perceptual and school tasks such as reading, writing and mathematical operations.
Conclusions. The effectiveness of neuropsychological treatment is based on the development of a specific intervention programme, tailored to the case study, which contemplates the altered mechanisms, lying at the basis of the cognitive symptoms of a child or an adolescent.
Keywords: neuropsychological assessment; neuropsychological intervention; single case study; adolescent; epilepsy; learning difficulties DOI: 10.11621/LPJ-25-09
Organization of learning process according to activity theory: method in practiceLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2021, 4. p. 143-191read more1889
Introduction. The learning process has always been one of the essential objects of psychological study, according to Activity Theory. Davidov (citation needed) has proposed differentiation between the general term of non-specific learning as any kind of social experience and the specific learning resulting from guiding and organized learning. Talizina (2018, 2019) has proposed a notion of organization of the process of learning according to Activity Theory, in particular, concerning the psychological notion of action formation by stages. This proposal might be understood straightforwardly for consideration of the process of teaching and learning according to Activity Theory.
The goal. This article aims to discuss the necessity of continuing the psychological study of the educational process as a dialectic and complex relation between the organization of the learning process and the results of this process as achievement in a child’s development.
Findings and proposals. This article offers a revision of the notion of organization of the learning process with original proposals. We propose two sub-periods or two methodological possibilities as the organization of the learning process. Firstly, initial primary school (first three grades of primary school), and further grades of primary school (second three grades of primary school), according to Davidov’s (citation needed) psychological notion of the school-age and learning as a leading activity of child’s development.
Conclusions. This article concludes that activity theory as a general theory with a variety of particular concepts, such as psychological age, leading activity and formation of mental actions are useful for positive solution of current problems which exist in education systems in different countries.
Keywords: learning process; orientation; activity theory; school age; educational methods DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2021.04.05
Study of professional motives of teachers of primary school from the perspective of activity theoryLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2021, 4. p. 104-142read more1823
Relevance. This paper analyzes the professional motives of teachers working at primary schools from the perspective of Activity Theory, considering that the teachers' motives are relevant for organizing the teaching-learning process.
Goals. This study aimed to analyze the professional motives of primary school teachers and their relationship with the teaching-learning process.
Methods and sample collection. Three sixth grade teachers participated in semi-structured interviews to analyze their motives and their impact on the teaching-learning process based on: a) teachers and b) school context and the interactions related to the teaching-learning process. The analysis of the motivational sphere was conducted utilizing the Activity Theory paradigm and the Cultural-Historical approach, researching the motives that underlay the teaching-learning process. The interviews were analyzed using the typology of motives proposed by Talizina (2019), according to specific indicators.
Results. We offer a classification of teachers’ motives regarding the teaching-learning process. These motives are distributed heterogeneously across our proposed indicators; some motives are similar for each teacher, and other motives exhibit great disparity. Also, we observed great differences between the profile of motives across two teachers, one working at a private school and the other working at a public school.
Conclusions. The findings suggest the existence of internal positive motives in the teacher’s professional activity.
Keywords: Motives; Activity Theory; Cultural-Historical Approach; Teaching-Learning Process; School-age DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2021.04.04
In memoriam Pentti Hakkarainen (06/06/1944 – 01/06/2021)Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2021, 4. p. 4-9read more1541
The 1st of June, usually a joyful day dedicated to the protection of children by UNESCO, was a sad day this year. On this day in 2021 Professor Pentti Hakkarainen passed away. Pentti was a prominent psychologist and methodologist of activity theory and cultural-historical approach. Starting with the translation of Leontiev's book “Activity, Consciousness, and Personality” (1977) into Finnish, he continued to penetrate into the depths of activity and cultural-historical theory during his scientific career.
Keywords: Pentti Hakkarainen; activity theory; cultural-historical approach DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2021.04.01