Feldshtein, David I.

Professor, member of the Russian Academy of Education
Doctor of Pedagogics
Doctor of Pedagogics
Professor, member of the Russian Academy of Education
Doctor in Psychology
About the state of the art and the ways to increase the quality of the dissertations in psychology and pedagogicsLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2008, 1. p. 3-12read more4297
The article is devoted to the problem of increasing of scientific standards and applied value of dissertations in pedagogics and psychology. Significant growth of quantity of dissertations in psychological and padagogical specialities is mentioned, and the reasons for the growth are pointed out. The indications of decreasing of dissertations’ scientific standards are listed with supporting factual data and typical examples. Some prompt actions undertaking for increasing the scientific standards and applied value of dissertations in pedagogics and psychology are described.
Keywords: psychology ; educational psychology