Enikolopov, S.N.

Cand.Sci. (Psychology)
Head of the Department of Clinical Psychology, Mental Health Research Centre.
Revenge: a Modern View on a Historical ProblemLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2024, 2. p. 11-30read more1369
Background. The phenomenon of revenge has been widely studied in psychology since the beginning of the 20th century. Acts of revenge are considered in psychoanalysis, social, family, criminal, legal and other areas of psychology. Nowadays behaviour based on the motive of revenge is found in virtual environment. There is an ambivalent attitude towards revenge. On the one hand, a person who does not get revenge seems weak. On the other hand, seeking for revenge can be perceived as an unconstructive way of behaving. Despite the prevalence of revenge, there is no generally accepted opinion in psychological science regarding the definition of revenge.
Objectives. The aim of this work is to analyze various ideas about revenge and to highlight the components of vengeful behaviour, based on which the form of reciprocal aggression can be classified as revenge. The problem of distinguishing between the concepts of “revenge”, “retribution”, “resentment” and “punishment” is considered.
Results. Revenge has a significant difference from other forms of aggressive behaviour. Revenge is always a reaction to previous aggression. The motivational component includes two aspects: the desire to take revenge (revenge seeking) and he desire to maintain a comfortable level of self-esteem. Society has a dual function in relation to revenge: as an initial motive influencing the choice of response to resentment, and as a deterrent factor. The willingness to forgive is determined by moral development, a number of personal characteristics and changes in the motivational sphere.
Conclusions. In psychological science, the phenomenon of revenge is subjected to a thorough theoretical analysis. Due to the fact that revenge is an intrapersonal phenomenon, the development of methodological tools, including psychodiagnostic techniques, is necessary for the development of revenge research.
Keywords: revenge; retribution; revenge seeking; ressentiment; forgiveness DOI: 10.11621/LPJ-24-13
On the Relationship of Types of Social Creativity with Moral Identity and ToleranceLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2022, 4. p. 159-178read more1191
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Keywords: social creativity; RWDT; prosocial creativity; antisocial creativity; moral identity; tolerance DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2022.04.07
Lexical analysis of statements about COVID-19 of people with a high level of somatizationLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2021, 3. p. 39-64Medvedeva Tatyana I., Enikolopov, S.N. , Boyko, Olga M., Vorontsova Oksana Yu., Stankevich, Maxim A.read more2301
Relevance. One of the negative consequences of the pandemic may be an increase in somatization. The analysis of statements about the pandemic makes it possible to identify peculiarities of attitude to the situation by people with different psychological problems.
The aim of the study was the identification of implicit characteristics of texts indicating the peculiarities of the opinion about the situation by people with a high level of somatization.
Materials and methods. The material was obtained in the online survey (03/23/2020 — 01/29/2021, 1188 people). The survey included an assessment of respondents’ condition, it was offered to express an opinion about what was happening in a free form. Used: SCL-90-R, COPE, Constructive Thinking Inventory (CTI).
The statements about the pandemic were divided into the two text arrays — “high somatization” and “low somatization”. The frequency of occurrence of vocabulary in these text arrays was estimated.
Results. The analysis showed an increase in somatization as the pandemic developed. The relationship between somatization and anxiety, sleep disturbances, and depression was revealed. Higher rates of somatization are associated with a decrease in emotional coping, an increase in categorical thinking and personal superstitious thinking. The connection between somatization and a number of non-constructive copings is shown. Lexical analysis showed a number of features of texts associated with high somatization, among them the number of pronouns of the first person, a decrease in the tonality of words, a vocabulary of suffering, negative, a decrease in the vocabulary of motivation and resistance, a decrease in vocabulary associated with the body.
Conclusions. The lexical features of statements, typical for respondents with a high level of somatization, were revealed. The connection between somatization and high emotional distress, which manifests itself in negative emotional vocabulary and is associated with a low level of emotional coping, is shown. In the group with high somatization, a contradiction was revealed in the needs and methods of their implementation — the need for help from others is combined with concentration on the self. The "representation" of the pandemic, presented in the text, is "divorced" from somatic manifestations, fear of illness and death. With this “splitting” of mental and somatic functioning, the somatization can perform the function of emotional coping.
Keywords: SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; quarantine; pandemic; somatization; lexical analysis of statements DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2021.03.03
Background. Currently, foreign researchers are actively developing the notion of‘everyday sadism’ is being developed. The study of the proposed subclinical form of sadism makes a significant contribution to the study of "dark" personality traits united in the concept of the Dark Triad, as well as related phenomena such as aggression, antisocial behavior, cruelty, etc.The active development of tools for measuring sadistic traits makes it possible to study both the external manifestations of sadism and its fundamental mechanisms.
Objective. The review of the modern Russian and foreign studies in the field of everyday sadism and its link with some relevant phenomena.
Design. An analysis of current research on modern ideas about the new formalization of the phenomenon of sadism and an overview of the main English-language tools for measuring sadistic traits.
Results. The phenomenon of sadism has been in the focus of attention of researchers for many decades and has been conceptualized in various forms: from impairment disorders to personality disorders.Today, the term "ordinary sadism" is increasingly used, revealing the meaning of sadistic traits outside the clinical context.A large number of studies show the legitimacy of the existence of this construct.Its forms and external manifestations (direct / indirect, verbal / non-verbal sadism) are being actively studied. Possible psychological mechanisms of manifestation of sadism in everyday life and its connection with other relevant phenomena (aggression, types of affect, etc.) are being investigated.The question of potential inclusion of everyday sadism in the Dark triad of personality traits occupies a central place in the scientific debate. Furthermore, several valid measures of sadistic traits have been developed, some of which also allow the analysis of the structure of this phenomenon.
Conclusion. The social relevance of everyday sadism determines the interest of many researchers in the study of its outward manifestations as well as its psychological mechanisms. The development and/or adaptation of the measure of sadistic tendencies is bound to open new ways of studying not only sadism per se, but also various related phenomena (e.g., dark personality traits, aggression, antisocial behavior, etc.).
Keywords: Dark Triad; sadism; ordinary sadism; antisocial behavior; psychopathy; aggression DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2021.01.02
Moral decision-making during COVID-19 pandemicLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2020, 4. p. 22-43read more3191
Relevance. The COVID-19 pandemic reveals the problem of moral choices for a large number of people: who should be treated first; who can be considered as a subject for urgent vaccines and drugs testing; choice between personal convenience and observation of restrictions for the sake of the “common good.”
The objective of the study was to evaluate whether the stress experienced by people during the COVID-19 pandemic can change moral decision making.
Materials and methods. The data of an online survey conducted from March 30 to May 31 (311 people) were analyzed. The survey included sociodemographic questions, questions about assessing one’s current condition, the Simptom Check List-90-Revised (SCL-90-R), and the Moral Dilemmas Test, consisting of 30 dilemmas.
The relationship of a number of utilitarian choices in personal moral dilemmas with sociodemographic characteristics, respondents' assessments of their state and psychopathological characteristics was analyzed. Solving personal moral dilemmas was considered within subgroups of respondents with a high level of somatization and a high level of psychopathological symptoms and it was reviewed separately.
Results. The results showed a high level of distress throughout the survey and an increase of utilitarian choices in personal moral dilemmas by the end of the survey. The number of choices in personal dilemmas was lower among older respondents, higher among men, and positively correlated with psychopathological symptoms. In the subgroup with a high level of somatization, personal choices slightly decreased by the end of the survey. On the contrary, in the subgroup with high levels of psychopathological symptoms, the number of personal choices significantly increased.
Conclusions. Against the background of quarantine, assessments of moral standards change. The level of stress ambiguously affects moral decisions. A high level of somatization leads to a decrease in utilitarian personal choices, and a higher level of psychopathological symptoms leads to an increase in utilitarianшchoices. Utilitarian personal choices are more often made by men and younger people.
Keywords: COVID-19; pandemic; moral decisions; moral dilemmas; somatization; psychopathological symptoms; SCL-90R DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2020.04.02
Features of texts written by a frustrated person.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2019, 3. p. 66-85Enikolopov, S.N. , Kovalev Alexey K. , Kuznetsova Juliya M. , Chudova Natalia V., Starostina Elena V.read more4985
Relevance. The designing of tools to identify a psychological distress in network is one of the most significant challenges of the era of information technology. There are evidences of certain peculiarities of the speech and textual activity of frustrated person. However, for texts in Russian, any tool for monitoring of the intensity of frustration in online content does not currently exist.
Objective. The purpose of our work is the listing of text features to carry out automatic analysis of the network content for detecting texts of frustrated users.
Methods. The material of the study is a set of posts and comments of 2-10 sentences collected in social networks LiveJournal, Pikabu and Facebook were written by 100 Russian-speaking users aged 27-64 years. The texts were divided as written by unexcited persons (500 texts) and by frustrated persons (500 texts). For automatic text analysis, the "RSA Machine" created in Federal Research Center "Computer Science and Control" of Russian Academy of Sciences was used, which allows to determine 197 text features, to compare texts, and to identify the most important dividing features. Mathematically, the texts were classified using the machine learning.
Results. The Random Forest method with a preliminary binarization procedure revealed the most significant features of text written by frustrated person: the sentiment; the frequency of punctuation, negative word forms and first-person pronouns; the number of semantic roles causative, liquidative and destructive; number of particles, invectives and words from the vocabulary of resistance.
Conclusions. Using the identified features the network texts written by frustrated person can be confidently determined; it is applicable for monitoring in order to ensure information and psychological security.
Keywords: frustration; social networks; text features; text mining; machine learning DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2019.03.66
Psychological characteristics of hostility in patients with schizophrenia, schizoaffective and affective disordersLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2014, 3. p. 92-103read more8068
This article presents the results of an empirical study on the role of hostility in the etiopathogenesis of mental illness such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective and affective disorders. The relationship of the general level of hostility and enmity with the qualitative aspects of the objective characteristics of mental illness (duration and nosology) is described in the following article. The sample consists of 161 people, of which the clinical group consisted of 81 patients who are hospitalized in the 4th department of the clinic affective pathology. Comparison was made with a control group of healthy persons, which included 80 men who do not suffer from mental and neurological disorders. The study used the following methods: semantic differential (modification by Ohmatovskaya A.V.), World assumptions scale, Constructive Thinking Index (CTI), Cook-Medley Hostility scale, Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire, Wechsler memory scale, Wagner’s “Hand-test” (modification by A.V. Gerasimov). It was found that mentally ill patients were showing significantly higher quantitative measures of hostility, compared with the norm. Psychopathological marked qualitative specificity of hostility expressed in suspicion, ambivalence, extrapunitive and generalized hostility. According to the results, hostility has not direct connection with the nosology specific of the mental disorders, and does not depend on the patient’s age and duration of disease.
Keywords: hostility; mental illness; schizophrenia; affective disorder; schizoaffective disorder; bio-psychosocial model of etiopathogenesis
Specificity of the manifestations of aggression in patients with depression different nosology, severity and durationLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2014, 2. p. 75-89read more9516
This article describes the nature of the relationship of quantitative and qualitative aspects of aggressiveness with nosology, duration and severity of depression. The study involved 87 patients with a depressive disorder (31 women and 56 men) aged 17 to 46 years. Depressive disorder occurs as an independent disease, or combined with other mental illnesses. The diagnosis was recorded as a psychiatrist in the history of the disease. The study used the following methodology: Zung’s method, Beck scale, Toronto Alexithymia Scale, Wagner’s “Hand-test” (A.V. Gerasimov’s modification), Buss—Durkey Inventory, The Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration Study (N.V. Tarabrina’s modification), computer psychophysiological method “Operator”. The quantitative and qualitative character of aggressiveness in patients with mental disorders as compared with healthy subjects is shown. In depressed patients compared to healthy subjects are more pronounced aggression, suspicion, resentment and hostility. Intensity of these parameters increases with worsening depression and with increasing duration of disease severity decreased aggressiveness. Level of physical aggression is higher at depressive disorder within psychopathy. In the group of female patients with depression increased aggressiveness, in the group of male patients with depression increased general and physical aggression. In depressive disorders worsens assess and recognize the emotional state of others and their own.
Keywords: endogenous mental pathology; depression; aggression; aggressiveness; emotional expression
To the Psychological Portrait of the Victims of Telephone FraudLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2022, 1. p. 138-157read more2157
The article presents the results of an empirical study of the relationship of psychological characteristics (traits of the Big Five, values, cognitive styles) with behavior when contacting telephone scammers pretending to be bank employees. The relevance of the study is associated with an increase in the number of victims of telephone fraud, especially among the elderly, and the need to clarify psychological characteristics that allow to resist manipulative influence.
The aim of the work was to identify the psychological characteristics of people at risk of telephone fraud and prone to manipulative influences. The research is based on the hypothesis that such characteristics are revealed as “Cooperation” and “Conscientiousness” on the “Big Five”, as well as the style of thinking “naive optimism” and security values.
The study involved respondents aged 50+ (N = 70, 26 of them were men, the average age was 61 years). The following questionnaires were used: an abbreviated version of the “NEO-FFI” questionnaire “NEO PI-R” by P. Costa and R. McRae; “Portrait value Questionnaire by Sh. Schwartz — Revised PVQ-R”; CTI Constructive Thinking Inventory, by Epstein. In order to find out whether the respondents had encountered fraudsters, what feelings it had caused and what actions would be taken when contacting “imaginary” bank employees by phone, the authors developed a questionnaire.
According to the results obtained, respondents who constitute a risk group exposed to the manipulative influence of fraudsters were identified. People aged 50+ with pronounced security values, naive optimistic way of thinking, high self-control, who put the interests of the group above their own, inclined to cooperate, make up a group at risk of being manipulated by telephone scammers.
It is concluded that 1. The key characteristics of a victim of telephone fraud are not the
desire to get rich, but the fear of losing what is available. 2. At the level
of attitudes, it is possible to form the ability to resist telephone fraud in
people aged 70+. 3. The characteristics of resistance to manipulative influence
may be a combination of low self-control and cooperation with other people, the
lack of significance of security values and the lack of naive optimism.Keywords: victims of telephone fraud; victims of manipulative behavior; traits of the Big Five; resistance to manipulative behavior; cognitive styles; security values DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2022.01.06