Agadullina, Elena R.

PhD in Psychology
HSE University
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1505-1412
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Moscow, Russia
Interconnection between perceived entitativity and group activity.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2012, 1. p. 97-105read more5328
The article discusses the perception of social groups, in particular, their entitativity. Different approaches to determining the entitativity of the social group are reviewed. A parallel between the perception of the entitativity of the group and assignation of different levels of activity to the group is declared.
Keywords: social group; perceived entitativity; groupness
Social categorization: representations about the object and specific of the processLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2008, 1. p. 114-120read more4185
The article is devoted to the review of feacheres of a process of social categorization,its object and functions. The specific of use of this process in main theories of psychology of social cognition is under the consideration.
Keywords: social stereotype; social representations theory; social constructionism ; social categorization; social object; heuristics; social identity theory