Tsvetkova, L.A.

Doctor of Psychology
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor Director of the Institute of Psychology of the Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University
Socio-psychological theories of the addiction development.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2011, 2. p. 166-178read more63464
The article presents review of foreign socio-psychological theories of the drug addiction development: social learning theory or social cognitive theory (Bandura), social networks theory (Needle et al.) and social influence theory (Ling et al.), stages of behavior change theory (Prochaska, DiClemente), health belief model (Rosenstock), socio-ecological theory (Hansen), social control theory (Elliot), the social development model (Hawkins, Weis), family interaction theory (Brook et al.), problem behavior theory (Jessor). Most researchers in the socio-psychological approach to address the factors of drug addiction among young people focus on the characteristic of the social environment.
Keywords: personality factors; the social environment ; referent group; peers; guideline exposure; risk; addiction; drug use; psychoactive substances
Prevention of psychoactive substances abuse in student communities: integrative theoretical model by G.Gonzalez.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2010, 3. p. 142-151read more3781
The article presents g. gonzalez’s integrative model of alcohol and drug abuse prevention on campus. This theoretical structure bases on models such as health belief model, social learning theory and problem behavior theory. it focuses on different elements — the individual level, the level of the environment and the level of interaction between the individual and the environment. we present concrete activities included in the integrative model, analyze the effectiveness of preventive programs among university students and the experience of using the model at the University of Florida. gonzalez’s model can be used to assess the effectiveness of prevention programs.
Keywords: students; abuse of psychoactive substances; prevention; model; intervention; personality ; environment; interaction