Pryazhnikov, Nikolai S.

Doctor of Pedagogics
Department of Age psychology of the Faculty of psychology
Moscow, Russia
Deviant economic identity in childhood and adolescence: problem statementLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2020, 3. p. 50-68Aleksandrova Yulia Yu., Korobanova Zh. V., Pryazhnikov, Nikolai S. , Pryazhnikova Elena Yu., Markina Oiga more2651
Relevance of current research is determined by insufficient focus on the prevention of deviant economic socialization in children and adolescents in the conditions of high uncertainty of socio-economic prospects for Russian society and high risks of economic shocks.
Objective. To justify the importance of prevention of deviant economic identity at the stage of formation of the "economic ethos of culture" in the senior preschool age and the subsequent "technological ethos of culture" in primary school age and adolescence and to determine the main directions of prevention.
Method. Theoretical and methodological analysis, comparative and critical analysis, as means of clarifying the concept of "deviant economic identity" and defining its place in the context of such close concepts as "economic socialization," "economic deviance," "professional identity" etc..
Results. The concept of “deviant economic identity” is clarified. It is understood as the association of a person not only with a given economic activity or specific professionals (as role models to follow), but also with values and ideological positions underlying such activities. The "paradoxicality" of deviance can be a discrepancy between the norms of a particular society and general cultural norms, as well as the discrepancy between the generally accepted ideas about deviance and ideas about the deviance by the particular individual or group (at the level of families, collectives), which often provokes an identity crisis.
Conclusions. Psychological and educational work with children and adolescents in order to prevent deviant economic identity is especially important because of the susceptibility of this age to socially dubious variants of economic relations and weak propaganda of worthy examples of economic behavior in the society. The article highlights the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the emergence, development and prevention of deviant economic identity in children and adolescents, which can be used in the psychological practice, associated not only with an orientation towards established values, but also with the culture (method) of the search for these values.
Keywords: economic deviant behavior; identity; senior preschoolers; schoolchildren; adolescents DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2020.03.03
The personal professional perspective in modern Russian adolescenceLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2018, 3. p. 37-59read more6328
Relevance. The necessity to research the self-determination of adolescents in the context of significant socio-cultural changes in the Russian Federation at the beginning of the 21stcentury.
Objective. Study of the value and sense orientation of high school students in modern Russia at the stage of preliminary professional self-determination in adolescence.
Methods. Method of studying personal professional perspective (PPP) by N.S. Pryazhnikov; content analysis.
Sample: 240 pupils (133 female, 107 male) of 9th-11thgrades of Moscow schools, aged 14-17.
Results. An analysis of the responses of adolescents to the questions of the methodology of the PPP showed: 1) In 72,5% of answers high school students perceive honest labor as a value; 2) In 81,7% of answers adolescents recognize the necessity and value of professional education after school; 3) In 62,8% of answers the respondents express doubts, and the authors of 23,3% answers deny the value of complicated and expert labor in Russia; 4) 53,3% of adolescent’s answers reflect the wish to leave Russia or thoughts of such possibility.
Conclusions. 1. In the hierarchy of values and sense orientations of modern adolescents in the area of preliminary professional self-determination, the most expressed values are self-development, qualitative education, career achievements, personal success, the perspectives of professional development and decent wages. 2. The adolescents demonstrate a high level of orientation in the current social and economic situation (the economic crisis in Russia) and admit that positive changes in society should be determined by the recognition by society of the value of complicated and skilled labor, the value of honest labor and the value of labor and education exactly in Russia. 3. The data of the study contains widely represented answers without justification, which may reflect the status of the moratorium in the value-sense self-determination of adolescents in the area of labor and vocational education. 4. The current economic situation in Russia is perceived by the surveyed adolescents as unfavorable. More than half of respondents consider the possibility of getting an education and/or moving to a permanent residence abroad as a variant of their professional future.
Keywords: older adolescents; personal professional perspective; values; value and sense orientation; preliminary professional self-determination DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2018.03.37
On factors and models of life satisfaction in elderly and senile ageLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2017, 4. p. 85-101read more6393
The article analyzes various factors of life satisfaction of people of elderly and senile age. At the theoretical level, the assumption is that the integrating condition of satisfaction with life at this age is the central life idea (purpose, meaning). A generalized model of life satisfaction, based on the coordinates determining the common life idea (altruistic or egoistic) and the position of personality activity (creative or passive) is proposed. In the psychological space formed by these coordinates, one can identify the aspirations of the person himself (his “I want”), his real capabilities (“I can”), as well as expectations on the part of people relevant to him both in relation to “I want” and in relation to “I can”. The model allows reflecting the contradictions between the “I want” and “I can” of this person, as well as the contradictions between his intentions, self-esteem and expectations on the part of people relevant to him. When different elements of satisfaction do not coincide, problems arise and crises in the development of the elderly and old man. More concrete models of self-determination at the considered age in relation to their past, to the real present and prospective future are presented. The models of life satisfaction are proposed for further analysis: a creative model (search for new goals and opportunities for development), a model of “right” life (passive realization of the stereotypes of a pensioner's life), a “paternalistic” model (caring for others), a model of “ignoring” old age, the model of protection of their rights (in the conditions of imperfection of pension systems), the models of struggle for survival (in the conditions of sharp deterioration of health), the model of preparation for death, the model of self-assertion and the model of comprehension of the lived. Promising hypotheses of further research are formulated, reflecting possible options for complementarity and conflict of different models.
Keywords: elderly and senile age; life plan; satisfaction with life; factors of life satisfaction; models of life satisfaction DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2017.04.85
Development of information retrieval online technologies in professional counselingLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2017, 2. p. 95-113read more4295
The article concerns the problem of developing online technologies for adolescents’ career guidance and professional consultation with regard to their huge interest in computer programs (games and other entertainments) on the one hand, and the apparent lack of science-based computer methods of professional self-determination, on the other hand. We analyze the positive and questionable aspects of the design and the practical use of online technologies in professional counseling compared to existing technologies used in the professional consultation. We also consider the capabilities and limitations of these online technologies in solving the basic problems of vocational guidance (information, diagnostic, moral and emotional support of the client, assistance in decision-making and career planning). For example, the development of the author's methodology of “Choose and Go” designed for adolescents’ online use, shows the problem facing the designers of such software products, solutions to these problems. The basic ideas of this methodology are: comprehensive assessment of select work on the basis of full consideration of the psychological structure of the work; the use of expert assessments of the extent to which components of professional activity correspond to the official list of the integrated groups of specialties; the use in the modes of the real and online professional counseling; the account not only the desires of a teenager, but his/her current and potential abilities.
Keywords: professional self-determination; vocational guidance; professional counseling; design of computer online technologies DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2017.02.95
Expert system of vocational guidance for schoolchildren "Choose and act".Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2016, 4. p. 55-60read more4652
The results of the development of a new computer guidance method for senior schoolchildren on the basis of “Formulas of the profession” (E.A. Klimov) and a modern scheme for the analysis of professions (N.S. Pryazhnikov) are presented. The main stages of obtaining expert estimates are shown, which made it possible to correlate the components of professional activity with the official list of enlarged specialties of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The advantage of 3-level grades of schoolchildren (“I want”, “I can now” and “could in the future”) is considered before the traditional assessment of schoolchildren’s actual preferences. In the process of choosing a profession, the preferred characteristics of future work activity are set not in the form of direct estimates of their traditional designations (subject, purpose, means, conditions, etc.), but through paired comparisons of the main labor activities and training activities. The computer-based online testing system works with the methodology through the Web-interface on modern software platforms — Windows, Android, MacOS, iOS, Linux.
Keywords: professional orientation; expert system; labor actions; training activities; paired comparisons; computer-based online testing DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2016.04.55
Age-psychological aspects of professional destructions of civil servants.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2016, 3. p. 87-94read more4342
The problem of age-psychological aspects of professional civil servant destruction is considered. The main stages of development of moral readiness of the worker for work with strong risks of professional destructions are singled out. Characteristics of “forced” and “natural” professional destruction by civil servants are given.
Keywords: professional destructions; civil servants; professional maturity; psychological enlightenment DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2016.03.87
Emotional burning out and personal deformations in psychological and pedagogical activityLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2014, 4. p. 33-43read more12493
The article is devoted to considering of the interrelation of level of emotional burning out and life-meaning orientations of teachers and psychologists. During empirical research it was shown that workers with the expressed level of emotional burning out statistically mismatches in the system the life-meaning orientations observed more often, than at workers with not expressed syndrome of emotional burning out for whom internal harmony, acceptance of the past, the present and the future are more characteristic. It is the paradox designate in the article: stressful situations provoking emotional burning out, under certain circumstances can be considered as conditions of development of teachers and psychologists. Thus, prospects of new researches of a syndrome of emotional burning out contact us with the identification of these conditions and development on this basis of more modern medico-hygienic standards of work of teachers and psychologists, which while, unfortunately, is not present.
Keywords: life meaning orientations ; syndrome of emotional burning out; professional destructions; occupational stress; distress; psychology and pedagogical activity
The finest hour and developmental perspectives of a “little man”.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2011, 2. p. 126-134read more11194
Psychologically the “little man” is defined through his willingness to recognize experience and change his social status in different communities: from family to his place in the broad cultural-historical process. Special conditions and potential opportunities of success of the “little man” are emphasized, that gives him sometimes a better position — even in comparison with those men, who have greater status (e.g. in comparison with recognized representatives of the elite). The problem of psychological unpreparedness of many “little men” to use their specific advantages is considered. An attempt to understand the reasons for unexpected success of people, who never ware taken seriously, is made.
Keywords: “little man”; the finest hour of “little man”; psychologically phenomenon of fool; “anti-fool”