Molchanov, S.V.

Cand. Sci. (Psychology)
Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Developmental Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Peculiarities of moral disengagement mechanisms realization in adolescenceLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2020, 3. p. 147-165read more3132
Relevance. The spread of deviant behavior and violations of moral norms by adolescents increases in the transitive informational society with high variability of socialization forms and moral standards. These violations are declaratively accepted by teenagers while they maintain a positive moral self-esteem. The implementation of behavior that goes beyond the boundaries of accepted moral standards indicates a violation of moral self-regulation associated with a special attitude to one’s act according to the type of moral alienation. A. Bandura proposed a model to justify immoral behavior where moral disengagement mechanisms are highlighted, providing support for positive self-esteem and self-respect. The selected moral disengagement mechanisms are actively used in adolescents to explain their own and other people's immoral behavior.
Objective: to determine the characteristics of the preferences of moral disengagement mechanisms in adolescence and youth. Research goals: analysis of preferences of the moral disengagement mechanisms, age dynamics analysis of moral disengagement mechanisms, gender differences analysis of preferences of the moral disengagement mechanisms, analysis of the psychometric parameters of the questionnaire of moral disengagement mechanisms.
The following methods were used in the study: the method of moral disengagement mechanisms by S. Moore in the Russian-language adaptation by Ledova Ya.A. and colleagues, the methodology “Justice and care” (author S.V. Molchanov).
Participants. The study involved 551 adolescents aged 14 to 17 where 346 (62.8%) were boys and 205 (37.2%) were girls. It also surveyed 230 senior students of universities.
The following results were obtained: the characteristics of preferences were analyzed and a hierarchy of mechanisms of moral disengagement mechanisms was identified; various groups were distinguished by the nature of preferences of moral disengagement mechanisms; age dynamics of preferences of moral disengagement mechanisms were determined ;gender differences in the preferences of moral disengagement mechanisms are highlighted; the psychometric parameters of the used methodology were analyzed; the possibilities of its use was demonstrated.
Keywords: moral disengagement mechanisms; moral development; personal development; adolescence DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2020.03.07
The Peculiarities of Adolescents’ Perceptions of Peer Profile Users of Social Networks.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2019, 4. p. 21-43Almazova, O.V., Dolgikh, A.G., Molchanov, S.V. , Agarkov Dmitriy V., Denisenko Sergey O., Levshina Maria A., Lysaya Tatiana E., Mariin Sergey S., Samuylova Olga more3803
Background. The relevance of this study is associated with the widespread use of social media by adolescents with a high risk of turning to aggression and violence.
Objective. The purpose of the study is to investigate the characteristics of adolescents' perceptions of peer profiles in social networks that vary in degrees of “security,” and their readiness to carry out various communicative actions depending on their psychological characteristics. We hypothesized that: 1) There is a connection between the psychological characteristics of adolescent users of a social network, and their ability to differentiate profiles of peers-users of social networks and communicative actions in social networks; and 2) The oculomotor activity of adolescent users of social networks is associated with the degree of attractiveness of a peer profile.
Design. We used the methods of “Peer attachment” (G. Armden, M.T. Greenberg, 1987 as adapted by G.V. Burmenskaya, 2015); Emotional intelligence (D.V. Lyusin, 2009); Recognition of emotions by sight (S. Baron-Cohen et al., 2001); cognitive methods for assessing social information (S.V. Molchanov et al., 2018); eye-tracking technique; and conversation. The study included 40 adolescents 14 to 17 years old.
Results.We distinguished three groups which differed in their attachment to peers, emotional intelligence, and cognitive methods of processing social information; they comprised three types – “idealizing,” “selective,” and “cautious.” We showed that the "selective type" is characterized by the highest degree of differentiation of "dangerous" and "safe" profiles of peers in social networks, and high selectivity in implementing various communicative actions. The greater attractiveness of the main information in a peer’s profile is reflected in more fixations, fixation time, and returns to the zone.
Acknowledgments.This work was financially supported by the Russian Federal Property Fund No. 18-013-01080 “Cognitive methods for processing social information from the Internet as a factor in the formation of adolescents' ideas about the moral regulation of relations in the modern information society”.
Keywords: social networks; adolescence; cognitive methods of social information processing DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2019.04.21
Moral and value grounds of professional choice at a young age.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2016, 3. p. 81-86read more4443
The article discusses the problem of responsibility in the exercise of professional self-determination in adolescence. The value of the moral values of the personality as the basis of professional self-determination and the assumption of responsibility for the choice is discussed. The personal components of responsibility are singled out - autonomy and moral character.
Keywords: personal and professional self-determination; moral-value orientation; responsibility DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2016.03.81
Moral of justice and moral of care: foreign and domestic approaches to moral development.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2011, 2. p. 59-72read more49519
The main approaches to moral development in foreign (J. Piage, L. Kohlberg, C. Gilligan, N. Eisenberg, E. Turiel) and domestic psychology (L.I. Bozhovich, S.N. Karpova, E.V. Subbotsky, S.G. Jacobson) are analyzed in the article. The justice and care principles as the foundations for constructing the approaches to moral development are examined. The differences between care and justice principle are revealed. Some results of investigation about the dependence of moral-value development in adolescence and youth from social situation of development are discussed.
Keywords: moral development; moral orientation; justice principle; care principle; adolescence; youth