Zakharova Elena I.

PhD in Psychology
Ph.D in Psychology
Moscow, Russia
The content and degree of harmony of ideas about motherhood and fatherhood in youthLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2018, 2. p. 89-99read more4886
Relevance. The relevance of the study of youth representations of parenting is due to a number of socio-economic and psychological changes taking place in modern society, including the emergence of deviant forms of parenthood, the phenomena of mixing family roles and abandonment of parenthood in general.
Objective. The purpose of this study is to study the content features of representations of motherhood and fatherhood in girls and boys and determine the degree of their harmony as a condition of psychological readiness for parenthood.
Method. Content analysis of the respondents' essays on the topic of future parenthood, aimed at identifying the content of the features of representations of parenthood and the degree of their harmony in girls and boys.
The study involved 231 respondents (190 girls and 42 boys), aged 18 to 25 years.
Results.The main characteristics of parenthood as a special social role and activity: child care; creation of necessary conditions for the development of the child; education of the child; emotional support of the child. It is revealed that in the views of girls the most important function of motherhood is to provide emotional support to the child; in the views of young men about fatherhood - education and training of the child. The majority of respondents demonstrated a high degree of discrepancies of perceptions about parental functions related to the idealization of the images of the child and their own parenting and the lack of representations about the methods of implementing maternal and paternal roles.
Conclusions. The data obtained show that the surveyed young people are not ready to realize a parental role and require corrective work aimed at forming realistic, complete and adequate representations of motherhood and fatherhood before their occurrence.
Keywords: maternal and paternal role; representations of parenthood; psychology of parenthood DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2018.02.89
Features of the motivational sphere of mothers with children in infant, early and preschool age.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2011, 2. p. 97-109read more4231
The article presents the results of the content of the motivational sphere of mothers with children in infant, early and preschool age. It is shown that the motive of achieving happiness of the child lead in the motivational sphere of all women surveyed. However, the semantic content of this motive depends on its relations with other components of the motivational sphere of the mother. Specificity of the motivational sphere of the mother at the age of the child was described. A tendency to enrich the motivational sphere of the mother is to an increase in the autonomy of the child.
Keywords: motivational sphere of the mother; leading motives; the child’s age