Burmenskaya Galina V.

Ph.D in Psychology
Ph.D in Psychology
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Moscow, Russia
Child’s attachment to mother as the basis of mental development typologyLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2009, 4. p. 17-31read more5736
The article shows the role of the attachment system (child-mother interactions) in development of a wide spectrum of individual personality characteristics. Emo tional attachment of the child to mother is considered as a complicated system of internal regulation and a basis of typology of mental development. Results of a series of empirical studies show the connection between the type of attachment, formed at the early stages of child development, and characteristics of his/her au tonomy, self-concept, self-esteem and empathy in preschool and middle childhood.
Keywords: attachment; typology of mental development; autonomy; self-consciousness; self-evaluation; empathy; preschool and middle childhood
Worldviews of children with different types of attachment to mother.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2011, 2. p. 21-35read more10595
The role of attachment to mother (AM) in formation of children’s and adolescents’ attitude to world around and to themselves is analyzed in the article. AM is considered as a complex system of internal regulation and one of the bases of mental development typology. Results of a series of the researches are described, relating secure/insecure adolescents’ AM to their worldviews, in particular to their emotional attitude towards family, teachers, peers, friends, school, and also to the future, the country, people and the world as a whole.
Keywords: attachment to mother; worldviews; self-estimation; self-relation; optimism; pessimism; middle childhood; adolescence