Babayeva, Yuliya D.

PhD in Psychology, senior researcher at
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Moscow, Russia
Psychometric analysis of the “Multifactor inventory of tolerance” using multi-trait multimethod model.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2011, 1. p. 124-140read more4828
Principles of data analysis, which were got during developing inventory of multifactor research of tolerance, are observed. This inventory has two-mode structure. The necessity of studying of tolerance as complex system including possible objects of tolerant attitude along with different possible levels of regulations these attitudes was advocated. The structural equation modeling namely multi-trait multi-method model (MTMM) was used. Equations for specification the models are included. The possibility and advantages of using MTMM for analysis data having 3-mode structure in studies of different types is discussed.
Keywords: structural equations; multi-trait multi-method model; three-mode data analysis; tolerance; psychodiagnostics
Influence of individual differences in junior schoolchildren’s higher mental functions upon the writing skill formationLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2008, 3. p. 63-79Akhutina, T.V. , Babayeva, Yuliya D., Korneev, A.A., Krichevets, A.N., Voronova, Marina N., Egorova, Olga more5127
The article discusses development of writing in three subgroups of schoolchildren with different profiles of neurocognitive development, distinguished on the basis of neuropsychological characteristics. Precise registration of hand movements together with neuropsychological assessment allowed establishing the dependence of characteristics of writing and their dynamics on the strengths and weaknesses of components forming the functional system of writing. It may be concluded that each subgroup of schoolchildren demonstrates a specific pattern of writing quality, timing and errors, and that this pattern emerges due to the primary weak component of a child’s functional system of writing as well as to compensatory reorganizations.
Keywords: neuropsychological analysis; development of writing skills
Modern tendencies in studying of giftednessLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2008, 2. p. 154-168read more4458
The article considers modern tendencies in studying of giftedness. Controversial problems of psychology of giftedness are being discussed. Argumentation for usefulness of general psychological approach, which is being developed in Tihomirov’s school for solving many of these problems, is being provided. Theoretical and methodological backlog created in this school allows to overcome a number of substantial disadvantages of wide spread static “segmental” approach to studying of giftedness, and facilitates the developing of new methods of its diagnostics.
Keywords: giftedness ; creativity ; intellectual emotions; types of giftedness; intellectual development; asynchronous of development; diagnosis of giftedness; joint creativity; social and cultural aspects of giftedness
Personal meanings theory of thinkingLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2008, 2. p. 26-58Babayeva, Yuliya D., Berezanskaya, N.B. , Vasilyev, Igor A. , Voiskounsky Alexandr E., Kornilova, more4387
The contribution of the O.K. Tikhomirov’s school in the field of psychology of thinking is analyzed, and the main elements of the personal meanings theory of thinking are presented: namely, personalityrelated determination of thinking, regulative function of emotions, actual genesis of goalsetting and senseformation processes, creative thinking, and the impact of information technologies on the transformations of intellectual and communicative activities.
Keywords: Tikhomirov’s school; personal meanings theory of thinking; the age-related neoformations; sense formation ; goal-setting; intellectual emotions; psychology of computerization; new thinking; motivation of thinkihg