Fam, Anna Kh.

Senior researcher at the International laboratory of positive psychology of personality and motivation; Senior lecturer at the Faculty of Social sciences, HSE
Moscow, Russia
Subjective construction of choice in situations of different scale of importance (the end).Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2013, 2. p. 93-105read more6051
The paper presents a study of choice process and parameters of its subjective construction in real life situations of different scale of importance. Qualitative and quantitative features of “fateful” (F) and “everyday” (E) choice situations were compared, in each situation the connection was found between qualitative parameters of choice activity with stable personality variables, an attempt was made to allocate different types of choice activity in these situations. The results obtained on a sample of 74 students (55 females and 18 males) of age 17—25 (median age = 18.7; SD = 1.09) with the use of 3 basic and 8 additional questionnaires allowed to make a conclusion about the essential qualitative and quantitative differences between situations of F and E choice.
Keywords: choice; construction of choice ; self-orientation; agency
Subjective construction of choice in situations of different scale of importance (Part 1).Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2013, 1. p. 84-96read more9879
The paper presents a study of choice process and parameters of its subjective construction in real life situations of different scale of importance. Qualitative and quantitative features of “fateful” (F) and “everyday” (E) choice situations were compared, in each situation the connection was found between qualitative parameters of choice activity with stable personality variables, an attempt was made to allocate different types of choice activity in these situations. The results obtained on a sample of 74 students (55 females and 18 males) of age 17—25 (median age = 18.7; SD = 1.09) with the use of 3 basic and 8 additional questionnaires allowed to make a conclusion about the essential qualitative and quantitative differences between situations of F and E choice.
Keywords: choice; construction of choice ; self-orientation; agency; spontaneity; personality variables
The paper presents a study of mechanisms of choice on the case of a real life situation of local authorities elections. The dependent variable was the decision whether to go voting. Using the authors’ test The Subjective quality of choice technique, special questionnaires and a number of personality inventories, we found out intelligible correlations between different aspects of experience of one’s own choice process and some personality variables. The data obtained so far indicate the existence of two stable patterns of choice-making strategies revealed in subjective estimates of one’s choosing process.
Keywords: choice; self-orientation activity; quality of choice; personality variables