Ivanova Elena M.
Doctor of Psychology
Doctor in PsychologyLomonosov Moscow State University
Moscow, Russia
The formation of the psychological readiness of the students-psychologists to the professional activity.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2013, 1. p. 152-159read more9478
Goal — formation of ideas about future careers and the realization of their students ready for the socio-professional and personal fulfi llment. Th e subjects were 4th year students specializing in the psychology department of work and engineering psychology. Th e study was conducted in the conditions of the special workshop on “Professiografy”. Organization workshop was aimed at providing students a complete orienting basis of planning, organization and execution of professional activities. Th e program included four successively given training phase. Before teach stage of case studies preceded study of scientifi c literature and a discussion. Completion of each task were corrected and discussed. Th is resulted in redefi ning the individual experience of the students own work and to form an idea of the future and the knowing its psychological and professional readiness.
Keywords: psychological readiness; formation ; training; orientation basis of activity (OBA) ; individual experience; introspective analysis; knowing; professional image
E.A. Klimov's subject-activity concept of professional labour and its scientific practical valueLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2010, 2. p. 15-22read more3989
The article is devoted to subject-activity concept of professional labour (worked out by E.A. Klimov). The concept is regarded as a theoretical and methodological basis providing a scientific strategy for solving various applied problems daimed at establishing a mutual correspondence of a person and a profession.
Keywords: human-machine system; subject of labour; psychological features of labor; psychological regulators of work; conflict realities