Denisova Тatiana N.

PhD in Psychology
Ph.D in Psychology Vologda, Russia
Features of ideas about time in schoolchildren and students with various expressiveness of motivation of achievement.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2013, 1. p. 111-122read more4139
Results of research of ideas of time are given in article at 63 schoolchildren (14— 16 years) and 68 students (21—23 years), divided into 3 groups: with the expressed motivation of achievement (MD), with the expressed motivation of avoiding of failure, with not expressed motivational pole. Th e analysis of results of respondents by C. Osgud’s technique «Semantic diff erential» and a projective technique «Draw time» revealed distinctions of data of groups on such indicators, as ideas of the present, an emotional sign of estimates of an image of time and its components, level of the concept of time, a form of the image of time, a ratio of estimates of the present and the future. Th e conclusion is drawn that idea of respondents of time can serve prediktory MD; the obtained data can be used in psychodiagnostics and consultative psychological aid to schoolchildren and students.
Keywords: achievement motivation; idea of time and its components; motivation of avoiding of failure; schoolchildren; students