Anikina Veronika G.

PhD in Psychology
Ph.D in Psychology
Orel, Russia
The ideas of M.K. Mamardashvili and cultural-dialogical understanding of reflectionLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2015, 4. p. 114-122read more6154
The article analyzes the views of M.K. Mamardashvili about the person and the value of culture in its formation: man has a dual nature, being a biological entity, but he can become “real” (conscious, meaningful, and onepiece) (M. K. Mamardashvili). The human being is awake the vertical state that must constantly hold to collect. One of the conditions of this “Assembly” is the existence of “cultural forms”, as existence, as the forms of the possible human. Outlined in the article, the area of contact of the views of M.K. Mamardashvili, S.L. Rubinstein, L.S. Vygotsky, allowed to focus on one side on the reflection as a way of being, another word for how the topos - place of being. The question of what is the mechanism of the Assembly is decided by us, based on the understanding of the dialogical (Bakhtin) nature of reflection. The author defines the notion of “reflective text” as a cultural form of reflection
Keywords: natural man; existential man; the being; the word; reflection ; reflective text DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2015.04.114
On the use of the Husserl’s phenomenology for the study of reflection in modern psychology.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2013, 1. p. 42-51read more6755
The article raises a question about the possibility of appealing to the Husserl’s phenomenology as to the philosophical base of the research of reflection in psychology. The key concepts of the Husserl’s phenomenology are presented. The connection between consciousness, awareness and reflection is outline. Systematized presentation of Husserl on the types of reflection, the results of a simple (natural) and transcendent (phenomenological) reflection, as well as the conditions of its manifestations. Undecided problems, imposes restrictions on the psychological study of reflection from a position of phenomenology, are identified.
Keywords: Husserl’s phenomenology; awareness; intentionality; simple reflection; phenomenological reflection