Matyushkina, A. A.

PhD in Psychology
Dynumics of intellectual confidence in problem solvingLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2023, 3. p. 98-119read more1084
Background. The problem of criteria for evaluating solution success is one of the most important for psychology of creative thinking. Evaluation of the solution by the subject during the process of thinking in the form of «confidence / doubt» can be criteria and basis for subject’s experiencing potential success or failure, which leads to continuation or stop in solving.
The objective. The study was to research the dynamics of intellectual confidence / doubt at different stages of problem-solving process.
Sample. The study involved 66 university students, specialists and non- specialists in relation to the content of the tasks.
Methods. The subjects solved 8 problematic tasks of scientific and artistic content with hints and estimate interest and confidence at different stages of solving with subjective scales. The following methods were used for intellectual characteristics “Raven’s Progressive Matrices”, “Complex Analogies”.
Results. 6 types of dynamics of intellectual confidence were identified, which correlated in various ways with the success of the solution. Successful solution of problematic scientific situations for specialists is associated with confidence at every stage, for non-specialists it is associated with doubts at the stages of understanding the problem and the formulation of solution. For problematic situations of artistic content solved by non-specialist, the following types of dynamics are associated with successful solution: «doubt — doubt — confidence», «confidence at all stages»; the latter was also observed with an unsuccessful solution. For this reason 2 types of confidence were identified: (1) reasonable, based on hints, leading to a successful solution, and (2) non- reasonable, without relying on a hint, not leading to a successful solution.
Conclusion. The procedural criteria to evaluate solution are the intellectual emotions of confidence or doubt that regulate the process of thinking. Depending on the stage of solution and the content of the task, intellectual confidence changes in different ways for specialists and non-specialists, performing the function of a preliminary assessment and regulation of solving process.
Keywords: productive thinking; success of solution; problematic situation for thinking; intellectual emotions; intellectual confidence DOI: 10.11621/LPJ-23-29
Levels of problem solving as a reflection of the depth of thinkingLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2015, 3. p. 93-107read more7418
The article presents an empirical study of the depth of thinking - personal characteristics reflecting the process of understanding of the problem; object – the solution of problem situation with artistic content, actualizing productive thinking; goal – to identify the level of problem solving in correlation with its success. The theoretical basis – the ideas of Gestalt theory and the Matyushkin’s theory of problem situations about productive thinking and evaluation its success. The study shows that the depth of thinking reflects the levels of understanding of the sense of artistic works – from a misunderstanding to clear and explicit understanding of the sense of the work in accordance with the author’s intention. The levels are the basis for evaluating the success of problem solving. From the object of thinking the depth is determined by artistic genre: the greatest depth of thinking requires dramatic genre. There is the positive correlation of the success of the solutions for two types of problem situation with artistic content – understanding of the sense of the film and the story by fragments – with the dramatic and comedic content. There is negative correlation for the success of the solutions of problem situations of emotionally opposite genres – comic and dramatic – for two types of problem situations.
Keywords: depth of thinking; problem situation; productive thinking; understanding of senses; the levels of solutions DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2015.03.93
The conditions for actualization of intuition in creative problem solvingLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2014, 2. p. 31-45read more5854
The article presents an empirical study of the conditions for actualization of intuition in creative problem solving. Intuition is considered (in the context of the theory of problem situations) as a special form of a preliminary understanding of sense of the problem situation (creative problem), providing opportunities for further prognosis of solution. The special material of this study — fragments of artistic films of different genres. Subjects were required after viewing a short fragment of the film to guess the finish of the film as a whole. The study shows that significant conditions for actualization of intuition in solving this type of problem tasks are: the stability of interest to the solution, the type of prompt (genre, accidental prompt), intellectual and personal possibilities of the subject (“depth” of thinking; “semantic potential” — similar to the problem an emotional experience).
Keywords: creative thinking; creative problem; creative problem solving; intuition; the conditions for actualization of intuition; prompt
Phenomenology of creative problem solvingLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2013, 3. p. 46-58read more3800
This article presents the views of the author of the theory of problem situations on the process of creative problem solving (A.M. Matyushkin). In the article there are comparative analysis of the problem situation and creative problems; identifi es structural, procedural and contextual diff erences. In this case we can consider the creative problem as a specifi c object of thinking, generating new phenomenology. Empirical studies of creative problem solv- ing in the context of real professional activities of subject (using the interview method) revealed a number of process features. So, for the subject of creative thinking, along with the subjective criteria of novelty of the process and the result, expressing his interest to problem, are important the objective criteria of novelty and signifi cance for creative product and possibilities for it profes- sional realization.
Keywords: creative problem; creative problem solving; the phenomenology of creative problem solving; creative problem solving stages
The ideas of solving creative problems in the A.M. Matyushkin’s scientific school.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2012, 3. p. 70-80read more13006
The article presents three lines of theoretical and experimental research A.M Matyushkin and his scientific school. The first line is connected with the study of motivational-emotional regulation of thinking, the development of the idea of the subject's activity in the formulation and solution of thinking tasks, his cognitive activity. The second line is devoted to the study of intellectual, creative, personal possibilities of subject. The third line is aimed at studying the conditions under which it becomes possible to a real creative thinking, opening the new (subjectively and objectively).
Keywords: creative and productive thinking; the theory of problem situations; creative problem; researching motivation; intellectual and creative potential of the subject
Creative thinking as an object of research in Russian psychology: O.K. Tikhomirov’s, A.M. Matjushkin’s,Ya.A. Ponomarev’s scientific schoolsLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2008, 2. p. 102-112read more4103
In the article is submitted the comparative analysis of the problem of understanding and research of the creative thinking, describing three approaches: the personal meanings theory of thinking (O.K. Tikhomirov), the theory of problem situations (A.M. Matjushkin), approach of Ya.A. Ponomarev. The affinity of maintenance of these theories is shown in aspect of statement of researching questions to study the creative thinking and their decisions.
Keywords: personal meanings theory of thinking; creative thinking; creative and productive thinking; the theory of problem situations; researching motivation; insight; structural-level approach; subjectivity; mediation; conscious and unconscious