Zhdan, A.N.

Doctor of Psychology
Professor, Doctor in Psychology
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Deed, Thought, and Word of Alexey Nikolaevich LeontievLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2023, 2. p. 23-45read more1504
Background. The article presents the most important events in the scientific biography of A.N. Leontiev (1903–1979). Some aspects of his psychological theory
of activity are being analyzed. The relevance of addressing the heritage of A.N. Leontiev and his scientific school is determined by the implemented methodology
of psychological research, which is an alternative to the approaches to the study
of consciousness that dominate in modern world science.
Objectives of the paper were to highlight those aspects of psychological theory of
activity that were successfully implemented in “highly organized practice” as well
as to discuss some controversial issues of cultural-activity psychology.
Method. Well-known works of Leontiev, his colleagues, and opponents served
as sources for the study, historical and psychological in genre and methodology.
Some archive materials, including those that have not been previously introduced
to scientific comunity were used as well.
Results. A new solution to the problem of the relation between Word and Deed,
which was debated by L.S. Vygotsky and A.N.Leontiev and is still being debated in the modern literature, is proposed. It is stated that Leontiev’s doctrine on the forms
of connection between meanings and senses in the structure of consciousness was
included in the methodological foundations of “pedagogy of freedom”, seeking to
develop a culture of thinking and personal growth in students. The examples of
the realization of this pedagogy in teaching students at the Faculty of Psychology
of Moscow State University are presented. Studying personal letters from the
family archives provided some new details about Leontiev’s administrative and
organizational activities during the Great Patriotic War.
Conclusion. The immediate tasks of the historical and psychological study of
Leontiev’s contribution are to: 1) analyze the empirical research of his school in
the 1940s and the following years; 2) study systematically the contribution of this
school to practical psychology; 3) create a complete and detailed chronology of
A.N. Leontiev’s life and work; 4) develop teaching aids for psychology students
with the explanation of the complex issues and contradictions in A.N. Leontiev’s
activity theory as well as with scientific comments on his works, within the sociocultural context of their creation.Keywords: A.N. Leontiev; L.S. Vygotsky; Kharkov School; activity; consciousness; meaning; sense; Faculty of Psychology Lomonosov Moscow State University DOI: 10.11621/LPJ-23-14
Basic science and practice in soviet psychology during Great Patriotic War (1941—1945)Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2015, 2. p. 4-14read more7492
The development of soviet psychology during Great Patriotic War is reviewed. The main areas of scientific research and practical work are scrutinized. The thesis of determinative role of fundamental research in science development is stated.
Keywords: Great Patriotic War; soviet psychology; the fundamental science; restoration of psycho-physiological and motor functions; occupational therapy DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2015.02.04
Georgy Ivanovich Chelpanov — professor of Moscow University.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2012, 3. p. 4-17read more10517
The paper presents the impact of G.I. Chelpanov on the development of university education in Russia and on formation of a system of professional psychological instruction in universities. Milestones of Chelpanov’s scientific biography, features of his philosophical-psychological outlook are reconstructed in socio-cultural and scientific context. Personal traits of Chelpanov as university mentor and founder of the first national scientific-educational school in psychology are represented.
Keywords: Moscow University; Kiev University; Psychological institute; psychological seminar; university psychological instruction; empirical psychology; experimental psychology; Chelpanov’s scientific school
History of psychology at the chair of general psychology: research and teaching.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2011, 1. p. 3-11read more5896
Becoming and development stages of history of psychology at Moscow University are presented in this article. Contribution of S.L Rubinstein, B.M. Teplov, P.Ya. Galperin, M.V. Sokolov and others into the working out of historical analysis of psychological ideas are discovered. Traditions and current state of historical-psychological science at the Chair of General Psychology at MSU are characterized.>
Keywords: history of psychology; Russian psychology; scientific traditions; teaching of history of psychology; chair of general psychology
Creative work of O.K. Tikhomirov: historicalLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2008, 2. p. 9-25read more3727
The article reconstructs the stages of O.K. Tikhomirov’s scientific work. The main attention is paid to programs of studies of human thinking activity. The substance of the personal meanings theory of thinking is exposed. The contribution of O.K. Tikhomirov’s school to the development of A.N. Leontiev’s psychological activity theory is defined.
Keywords: general psychology; Leontiev’s psychological activity theory; personal meanings theory of thinking; mediation; the process of information processing in computers; psychology of computerization; artificial intelligence; Tikhomirov’s school