Gordeeva Olga V.

PhD in Psychology
Ph.D in Psychology
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Moscow, Russia
Studies of the duration of emotions in Western psychology: How long does joy "live"? (the end)Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2019, 1. p. 230-245read more4836
Relevance. Knowledge of the laws of emotion dynamics has not only theoretical, but also practical meaning: this knowledge is necessary to provide psychological assistance in solving the problem of maintaining relationships, to develop of emotional intelligence and regulation of emotions, to diagnose disorder of the emotion dynamics that underlies a number of affective disorders (such as depression).
Objective. Consideration of large (in terms of the number of experiments, subjects and factors studied) studies of Verduyn's group at the University of Leuven (Belgium) and Maastricht University (Netherlands). This group studied the duration of subjective experience of emotions of different types.
Methods. Review and analysis of modern Western studies of the duration of emotions and its determinants, their results and methods.
Results. The integration of data on the absolute and relative duration of emotions of certain types, as well as the contribution of such factors as the emotional intensity, the flow pattern, cognitive assessments, emotion regulation strategies, the social sharing, the cognitive processing of information about the emotional event has been done. The possibilities and limitations of the main methods of studying the emotion dynamics are revealed.
Conclusions. It is necessary to continue the research of the emotion dynamics of on the material of other age, professional, cultural groups. Also, a perspective direction is the study of the dynamics of other components (not just a subjective experience) of emotion.
Keywords: situational emotions; emotion dynamics; emotion duration; social sharing; emotional intensity; subjective experience; emotional regulation DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2019.01.230
Studies of the duration of emotions in western psychology: How long does joy “live”?Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2018, 4. p. 164-177read more17623
Relevance.Knowledge of the laws of emotion dynamics has not only theoretical, but also practical meaning: this knowledge is necessary to provide psychological assistance in solving the problem of maintaining relationships, to develop of emotional intelligence and regulation of emotions, to diagnose disorder of the emotion dynamics that underlies a number of affective disorders (such as depression).
Objective.Consideration of large (in terms of the number of experiments, subjects and factors studied) studies of Verduyn's group at the University of Leuven (Belgium) and Maastricht University (Netherlands). This group studied the duration of subjective experience of emotions of different types.
Methods. Review and analysis of modern Western studies of the duration of emotions and its determinants, their results and methods.
Results.The integration of data on the absolute and relative duration of emotions of certain types, as well as the contribution of such factors as the emotional intensity, the flow pattern, cognitive assessments, emotion regulation strategies, the social sharing, the cognitive processing of information about the emotional event has been done. The possibilities and limitations of the main methods of studying the emotion dynamics are revealed.
Conclusions. It is necessary to continue the research of the emotion dynamics of on the material of other age, professional, cultural groups. Also, a perspective direction is the study of the dynamics of other components (not just a subjective experience) of emotion.
Keywords: situational emotions; emotion dynamics; emotion duration; social sharing; emotional intensity; emotion regulation; subjective experience DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2018.04.164
Transformation of sleep during hypnopedia.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2016, 2. p. 88-106read more7877
In this paper the author considers the state arising when a man perceives and remembers the information presented during night sleep (this educational method is called hypnopedia). On the basis of the analysis of hypnopedical researches' results it is proved, that a student forms the new kind of sleep — hypnopedical sleep (it appears on stages 1 and 2 of slow-wave sleep): this kind of sleep has new functions (perceptual and mnestic), new time borders (the appropriate conditioned reflexes of falling asleep and awakening on certain time and on presentation of the information are produced) and transformed neurophysiological basis (an alpha-rhythm appears). Hypnopedical sleep as altered state of consciousness can be considered as analogue of the higher mental function because of it has social origin, are voluntary (it is formed not spontaneously, but intensionaly and directedly) and are mediated by such psycholgical tools as preliminary created readiness to perceive and memorize the information.
Keywords: sleep; higher mental functions (APF); altered states of consciousness (ASC); mental functions of sleep; hypnopedia DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2016.02.88
Mystical religious states of consciousness in Hesychasm: Effect of goals and techniques of the religious practice on the states characteristicsLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2015, 3. p. 74-92read more7998
Based on the psychological analysis of Christian Hesychasm texts the paper educes specific for these religious practice types of altered states of consciousness (states of grace and states of prelest), psychic changes and emergence of appropriate phenomena. The paper explores the possibilities of cultural-activity approach using in revealing the influence of cultural and social factors that determines altered states of consciousness (including specific for religious practice states) and the possibilities of studying this effect mechanisms. Mystical religious state is considered as functional organ of ascetic’s religious activity which provides its goals and tasks implementation. The paper proves that religious world view as well as goals of religious practice and appropriate techniques of mystical religious states induction determines the characteristics and phenomenology of these states.
Keywords: cultural-activity approach; altered states of consciousness (ASC); hesychasm (Quietism); prayer; state of Grace; ASC induction techniques; phenomenology of ASC DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2015.03.74
In this paper results of empirical researches (this results were received in experiment and professional supervision “Diagnostics of the altered states of consciousness”) in which analytic introspection was used as method to induce the states of consciousness, transitive to altered are considered. Opportunities of the Leontiev’s theory of the structure of consciousness to explane a phenomenology of the altered states of consciousness are examined. We offer explanations of such phenomena as a loss of tridimentionality and constancy of perception (the sizes, forms, position in space, colors and brightness), mistakes in recognition of objects and its’ properties (in particular, pareydolia), a derealization, a detailed elaboration has been explaned. Results of experiments with analytic introspection allow elaborating of A.N. Leontiev’s ideas about functions of a sensual fabric of an image.
Keywords: analytic introspection; A.N. Leontiev’s psychological theory of activity; individual values; a sensual fabric of an image; personal meanings; constancy of perception DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2015.01.04
The near-death experience: The comparison of modern western and old Indian Vedic descriptions (on material of Upanishads).Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2012, 3. p. 121-137read more7050
In frameworks cross-cultural research of near-death experience (NDE) comparison of modern western NDE to descriptions of this experience in the Upanishads was carried out (the Brihadaranyaka, Kaushitaki and Katha Upanishads became a material of our analysis). It was revealed, that at Upanishads’ descriptions of NDE alongside with cultural specificity there is the overwhelming majority of elements of the western NDE, thus similarity concerns not so much the concrete contents of elements on itself, but their role in realization of the universal script of travelling to the world of dead.
Keywords: near-death experience; cross-cultural researches; cultural-historical theory; altered states of consciousness
About the conference «The contemporary psychology of thinking: the meaning in the cognition»Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2008, 4. p. 99-106read more3834
About the conference «The contemporary psychology of thinking: the meaning in the cognition».
Keywords: congress