Polonskaya, Natalia N.

Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Neuropsychology of the Faculty of psychology
Moscow, Russia
How and what I see (dialogue with patient suffering from total agnosia).Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2012, 2. p. 23-30read more5768
The article presents a case study of multiple visual agnosia (object agnosia, prosopagnosia, topographical agnosia, colour agonsia, alexia without agrafia) of a patient with bilateral lesions of the inferior areas of the temporal-parietal-occipital lobes. Clinical data are presented from the point of view of the patient, who struggle for surviving and her adaptation to the broken life.
Keywords: case-study; forms visual agnosia; associative visual agnosia; visual memory disorder; object recognition
The article presents the results of a case study of visual agnosia. A rare case of multiple visual agnosia (object agnosia, prosopagnosia, dyslexia, color agonsia) of a patient with the bilateral damage of the brain is described. A set of various methods has been developed to diagnose the variety of cognitive disorders. A neuropsychological approach has been used to qualitatively analyze errors. Some particular features of visual cognitive disorder are considered from the point of view of the dynamic complementary interaction between the brain hemispheres and their functional asymmetry.
Keywords: case-study; object recognition; visual memory disorder; optic perceptual; forms visual agnosia; associative visual agnosia
A case study of the visual agnosia of the patient with bilateral lesions after strokes in both the Posterior Stream the brain. Report 2.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2010, 1. p. 70-83read more4211
The article describes a case study of visual agnosia in which neuropsychological assessment was carried out on a 70-year-old woman В. She cannot recognize familiar faces and even her own. She exhibits a sheer case of topographical agnosia being unable to recognize familiar surroundings. Although she passed standard color tests she fails to recognize color pictures and to name colors. She has problems with recognizing letters despite retaining writing skills. These deficiencies have been caused by the bilateral lesions of the inferior areas of the temporal-parietal-occipital lobes.
Keywords: case-study; optic perceptual; face recognition; prosopagnosia; pure alexia without agraphia; topographic agnosia; color perception and color anomia