Korsakova Natalia K.

PhD in Psychology
Ph.D in Psychology
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Moscow, Russia
Neuropsychology of attention and Stroop TaskLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2014, 3. p. 26-33read more7333
An established link between the intellectual attention and the activity of frontal lobes in studies of E.D. Homskaya brings forward the application of special experimental psychological procedures. The latter are characterized by sensitized cognitive load and address both attention and memory. A modified version of the Stroop Task (Shilko R.S.) was employed in the present study of intellectual attention. 50 men ranging in age from 18 to 24 years with higher or incomplete higher education took part in the study. Among the participants there were 20 healthy subjects and 30 patients with schizophrenia in a paroxysmal form, developed in adolescence. The patients were under medical treatment in the Mental Health Research Center of RAMS. Comparison of intergroup results, based on the analysis of errors that were made by subjects in both groups, revealed the features of memory and attention, specific for the cohort of patients. Unlike the healthy subjects, schizophrenia patients revealed the types of errors which in accordance with the system of neuropsychological qualification of errors are typical for disturbances of functions of control and selectivity on different stages of activity and levels of attention regulation (A.R. Luria’s qualitative assessment scheme). There was ascertained a high sensitivity of the technique to study of the dysfunctions of the frontal lobes and identification of various parameters of intellectual attention.
Keywords: cognitive load; attention; memory; intellectual attention; frontal lobes; hypofrontality; schizophrenia; neuropsychological qualification of errors
Neuropsychological factor: The legacy of A.R. Luria and goals of neuropsychology.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2012, 2. p. 8-15read more11461
Based on the analysis of A.R. Luria’s works belonging to different periods of the formation and development of neuropsychology, the author highlights the main directions in the future development of the problem of neuropsychological factors. The author suggests possible aspects of the differential learning of the structural components of spatial factor, in accordance with its functional multiplicity in the systemic structure of the higher mental functions.
Keywords: neuropsychology ; neuropsychological factor; functional multiplicity; symptom; syndrome; spatial analysis and synthesis
Keywords: introduction