Bardyshevskaya Marina K.

PhD in Psychology
Ph.D in Psychology
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Moscow, Russia
Problems of scientific study of children’s emotional and personality development in the model of levels.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2012, 2. p. 68-74read more6881
In the article the problems of development of the level model of emotional regulation which are based on the synthesis of different approaches are examined. The concept of “a level of development of affective-behavioral complex” is introduced. This concept allows scrutinizing development of emotions and personality in children mostly in the frames of human ethology. The problem of development of mechanisms of “re-enciphering” of experience of realization of affective-behavioral complexes into movable symbolic images connected with dynamics of attachment behavior and into the basic structures of personality is set up.
Keywords: emotional development; affective-behavioral complex; the level of organization; attachment; basic structures of personality; typology of development
Emotional regulation in children with ASD at 6—10 years of ageLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2007, 2. p. 47-58read more4299
The article is devoted to the dynamics of the emotional development of children with autism. Deregulations of emotions occupy a central place in the clinical picture of this type of disorders. In the early school years, they become the main obstacle in the socialization of these children. The present paper describes the options for the development of emotional regulation in autism spectrum disorders of varying severity at the beginning of schooling. The main emphasis is on comparison with age norm. The factors affecting the prognosis of social adaptation are analyzed.
Keywords: autistic disorders; emotional regulation; adaptation to school