Romanova A.A.
Moscow, Russia
Application of the Luria’s principle of the syndrome analysis in processing of neuropsychological assessment data of children with developmental disorders.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2012, 2. p. 84-95read more5665
Actual problem of a modern neuropsychology is elaboration of batteries of tests combining advantages of qualitative and quantitative approaches. In this article we describe an important step of quantitative processing of neuropsychological data in “Method of neuropsychological assessment of children of 6—9 years” the formation of the generalized indices. The described procedure of the statistical analysis of neuropsychological results appreciably reproduces the logic of the expert who is carrying out the qualitative syndrome analysis of HMF-dysfunction. The formation of indices is considered on an example of neuropsychological assessment of 98 elementary school students with learning disabilities and 33 students with autistic disorders.
Keywords: neuropsychology ; diagnostics of HMF; the qualitative analysis; quantitative processing of neuropsychological data; learning disabilities; autistic disorders