Sokolova Elena T.

Doctor of Psychology
Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Department of Neuro- and Pathopsychology, Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Moscow, Russia
Cultural-psychological and clinical-psychological perspectives of research on phenomena of subjective uncertainty and ambiguity.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2012, 2. p. 37-48read more8468
The article analyzes certain socio-cultural and personal predispositions, which determine the modern diversity of displays of subjective uncertainty and ambiguity. The importance of understanding the relations between the resourceful and the psychopathological aspects of the ambiguity phenomenon and the cultural environment with its destructive ideals and mythologems, manipulative media-technologies and all-pervading idea of deconstruction is stressed for the creation of “realistic clinical psychology” (in terms of A.R. Luria). Methods for modeling the experiences of ambiguity in experimental settings, in pathopsychological examination and in projective psychological diagnostics are put in comparison. The arguments are adduced for the interpretation of deficient manifestations of subjective uncertainty and ambiguity as a criterion for diagnostics of the severity of personality disorder.
Keywords: borderline personality structure and psychopathology; experimental modeling; individual styles of ambiguity transformations; subjective uncertainty and ambiguity phenomena; socio-cultural, personal and clinical predispositions; projective paradigm
Affective-cognitive style of I—Other relations representation in persons with suicide behaviorLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2007, 4. p. 48-63read more3959
The subject of topic is the discussion about interaction between affective and cognitive factors in whole personality style, which determined subject capacity to contain coherent, integrate and abstract representation about social communication, specific disturbances this capacity in subject with affective pathology personality disorders and comorbid suicidal behavior. Analysis of the main theoretical approaches experiential schema and results of the assessment (researches) of two groups patients (100 subjects) with depressive disorder suicide attempts and without are presented. The dates confirm the connection between structural-functional organization peculiarities, affective-motivational investment and content themes of I—Other relations representations patterns with three bipolar affective-cognitive personality style dimensions — differentiations/integrations, dependency/autonomy, hostility/mutual cooperation. They allow to specify the role of cognitive-symbolic means disturbances in low effective functioning of the defense and coping self-regulatory systems.
Keywords: suicidal behavior; projective techniques; personality disorders; affective-cognitive style; representative pattern of object relations