Portnova D.S.

Lomonosov Moscow State University
Moscow, Russia
Contextual insertion method as an instrument of computerized assessment.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2012, 4. p. 133-147read more4089
The article presents range of problems, connected with computerized procedures of attestation control, such as their elaboration, application, advantages and disadvantages. The experience of working with so called “contextual insertion method” as a technological solution, that allows overcoming the limitations of classical tests and provides complex approach to diagnostics of students’ knowledge, is described. The results of substantive and psychometric testing of this method on example of the students of department of psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University are discussed. Participants performed tests within the bounds of “The foundations of psychodiagnostics” course. The result of literacy test is analyzed separately. The prospects of method in carrying out current and final control are proved, the limits of its use and possible organizational difficulties are delineated.
Keywords: computerized testing; system of distance learning; assessment; qualifying evaluation; contextual insertion; Learning Management Systems; Closed Test; gaps filling