Stepanova, M.A.

Dr. Sci. (Psychology)
Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology of Education and Pedagogy, Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Leading Researcher at the Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Research.
Psychological Aspects of Pedagogical Practice. To the 100th Anniversary of Nina F. TalyzinaLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2024, 2. p. 80-115read more605
Background. The article is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Nina Fedorovna Talyzina (1923–2018) — a famous Russian (Soviet) psychologist, specialist in the field of didactics and psychology of teaching and learning, one of the students and followers of P.Ya. Galperin, author of the activity theory of learning, creator of the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Objectives. The focus of the article is on the restoration of the scientific biography of N.F. Talyzina as well as on the identification of the main directions of research carried out under her leadership and with her direct participation.
Methods. In this historical and psychological research, the oral and written speech es of N.F. Talyzina, as well as biographical and archival materials were analysed.
Results. The article presents the main stages of the scientific biography of N.F. Talyzina. N.F. Talyzina completed her Cand. Sci. (Psychology) thesis on the topic “Inferences in solving geometric problems” under the supervision of P.A. Shevarev at the graduate school of the Research Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR (now PI RAO). After defending the thesis in 1950 she began working at Moscow University. At Lomonosov Moscow State University N.F. Talyzina made her way from assistant (1950-1952), senior lecturer (1952–1960), associate professor (1960–1963) of the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Philosophy to the head of the Department of Pedagogy of Human ities Faculties (1963–1966), and then head of the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Psychology (1966–1995) of the Faculty of Psychology created in 1966. In 1970, N.F. Talyzina defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic “Psychological foundations of managing knowledge acquisition.” In 1989, on the initiative of N.F. Talyzina a Training Center for retraining university employees in the field of psychological and pedagogical foundations of the educational process in higher education at the Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University was created. In 1995 N.F. Talyzina left the post of the head of the department and for 20 years until 2015 she remained a professor at the above-mentioned Training Center. From 2015 until the end of her life N.F. Talyzina was a leading researcher at the Laboratory of Educational Psychology at the Department of Psychology of Education and Pedagogy.
Conclusions. The ideas about the controlled formation of concepts developed by N.F. Talyzina not only received experimental testing, but were also used in organizing school and vocational instruction.
Keywords: activity theory of learning; action; learning; formation of concepts; formative method; mental development; educational psychology; didactics; education; Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University DOI: 10.11621/LPJ-24-16
Reading comprehension of educational texts among 4–8 grades students as indicator of their ability to learnLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2021, 3. p. 288-319read more2471
Introduction. Within the framework of the actual problem of the ability to learn for a modern school the peculiarities of children's reading comprehension of edu-cational texts were studied. The analysis showed that the problem of reading com-prehension is not sufficiently developed from the standpoint of Cultural Activity Approach, since in existing studies (I.I. Ilyasov, I.V. Usacheva, O.E., Malskaya, etc.), the activity aspect is expressed only in a detailed description of the actions that provide reading comprehension and their structure, but these works do not “grasp” the general meaning of these actions related to the students' understanding of the indicative purpose of educational texts — that it is from their content that the indicative basis of the subject actions performed should be ex-tracted. The most clearly indicative purpose of a special type of educational text — the definition of a concept — is justified in studies of the formation of the recogni-tion action (RA) (P.Ya. Galperin, N.F. Talyzina, L.F. Obukhova, etc.), where the “understanding” of the definition is the ability to recognize the objects that are described by it. The goal: to study the ability of students to perceive educational texts (ordinary educational texts and definitions of concepts) as tools for completing of specific tasks. Methods and sample. A sample of students in grades 4–8 (N = 280) was conducted: 1) assessment of the formation of the ability to work with definitions of concepts (concept’ recognition tasks, developed on the basis of the principles of diagnostics by N.F. Talyzina), 2) assessment of the ability to highlight the main thing in the text (the method of O.E. Malskaya and A.A. Sidelnikova “Selection of main sentences” for grades 4–8), 3) assessment of the ability to structure the text (the task of selecting paragraphs and their heading), 4) two GIT subtests (“Execution of rules” and “Numerical series”). Results and conclusions. It was shown that the understanding of definitions significantly and positively correlates with the understanding of educational texts. It was also revealed that the level of formation of both the ability to work with definitions and the ability to work with texts does not significantly increase after the 4th grade and up to the 8th grade there is a “failure” in these parameters, despite the smooth positive dynamics in some intellectual abilities.
The study was supported by the RFBR grant No. 19-013-00717 “Orientation to a given knowledge as an indicator of the ability to learn from schoolchildren”
Keywords: learning to learn; learning activity; reading comprehension; recognition action; Activity Approach DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2021.03.14
Galherin's theory of orientation and methods of psychological researchLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2021, 1. p. 289-311read more3332
The relevance of the study. The paper raises the problem of methods of psychological research, this problem is reflected in written and oral speeches of P. Ya. Galperin. The scientific significance of this problem is due to the fact that using the forming method allows us to obtain data concerning the laws of the formation of a new action in the conditions of not only controlled, but also spontaneous formation.
The purpose of the study is to obtain scientific psychological information concerning the forming method. The key concept of the theory of P. Ya. Galperin is the concept of orientation, which determines the success of the action.Polemizing with J. Piaget on the question of age capabilities of the child, P. Ya. Galperin experimentally showed that in the conditions of forming method "real mental actions and concepts" are formed much earlier than in the traditional spontaneous formation.If in the first case the process of formation becomes generally controllable, in the second it is only directed.The transition to the method of formation by stages, stressed P. Ya. Galperin, creates a basic for an appreciable improvement of the methods of instruction and means a radical change in the methods of psychological research.
Methods - historical and psychological analysis, comparative analysis.
The results. The publication consists of three parts. The main part (the middle one) is P.Ya.Galperin's article «The cross-sectional method and the method of formation by stages». It is published on the materials of the personal archive of P. Ya. Galperin.The article, written by P. Ya. Galperin on the results of his speech at the International psychological Congress in Moscow in 1966, was previously published in the journal "Voprosy psyikhologii", in this form article is a corrected version by P. Ya. Galperin.
The first part of the paper is a short introduction providing a general characteristic of the Piaget and Galperin discussion on Psychological Congress.In conclusion (the third part) an attempt is made to identify the main lines on which it is possible to compare the views of P. Ya. Halperin and J. Piaget.
The conclusion. The reference to the materials of Piaget and Galperin discussion is not only of historical and theoretical importance, but also allows us to outline the prospects of current scientific research in the field of genetic psychology.
The article is dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the XIX International Psychological Congress.
Keywords: P.Ya. Galperin's theory of staged formation of mental actions and notions; the cross-sectional method and the forming method; orientation; genetic psychology DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2021.01.12
Psychology of difficult childhood. To the 150th anniversary of V.P. Kashchenko (1870–1943)Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2020, 3. p. 239-261read more2937
The subject of this publication is the psychological analysis of the system of pedagogical correction (therapeutic pedagogy) developed by the famous Russian educator Vsevolod Petrovich Kashchenko, specialist in the field of education of difficult children. The author concentrates on some data of V.P. Kashchenko's scientific biography that are directly related to the opening of a unique medical and pedagogical institution in 1908 – a sanatorium-school for disabled children. It led to the emergence of a network of special institutions for children with developmental disabilities in the years to follow, especially in the Soviet period.
The article analyzes the terms used by V.P. Kashchenko: “defective child”, “difficult child”, “special childhood”. The concept of “difficult child” was introduced by V.P. Kashchenko to denote a group of children with marked behavioral disorders and character traits that disrupt their successful socialization, and in particular cause problems in learning the curriculum, and often lead to asocial behavior in school years. Subsequently, the meaning of this term changed, but now it is used in a sense close to how it was regarded by V.P. Kashchenko.
Methods. General characteristics of V.P. Kashchenko’s effective and practically proven system of education for children with behavioral disorders are given. An attempt is made to identify the psychological foundations of V.P. Kashchenko's pedagogical correction. The main principle is social conditioning of children's exclusivity, in particular difficult character traits, that are corrected by the complex system of methods developed by V.P. Kashchenko. The psychological analysis of V.P. Kashchenko's pedagogical system is based on the ideas of Russian scientists on the unity of education and development, the commonality of the laws of mental development of normal children and those with developmental disorders.
Results. It is concluded that it is reasonable to refer to V.P. Kashchenko’s scientific heritage as a source of psychological and pedagogical information in the field of raising children with developmental disorders.
The article is dedicated to V.P. Kashchenko 150th anniversary celebrated this year.
Keywords: pedagogical correction; medical (correctional) pedagogy; defective child; difficult child; defectology; special psychology; V.P. Kashchenko; L.S. Vygotsky DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2020.03.11
Historical sense of scientific and psychological opening (to the 80th anniversary of Antonina Nikolayevna Zhdan)Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2014, 2. p. 131-136read more4356
To the 80th anniversary of Antonina Nikolayevna Zhdan.
Keywords: Anniversaries; Zhdan A.N.
To the 90th anniversary of Nina Fedorovna TalyzinaLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2014, 3. p. 140-148read more6294
To the 90th anniversary of Nina Fedorovna Talyzina.
Keywords: Anniversaries; Nina Fedorovna Talyzina
P.Ya. Galperin’s attempt of creation of non-classical psychology.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2012, 4. p. 43-52read more8031
The attempt is made to consider P.Yа. Galperin’s studies in the context of L.S. Vygotsky’s cultural-historical psychology. The idea of succession of Galperin’s school to Vygotsky’s one is substantiated by the example of internalization studies. P.Yа. Galperin’s theory is presented as a sample of non-classical psychology.
Keywords: cultural-historical psychology; P.Yа. Galperin’s theory; non-classical psychology; internalization
International conference «Ananiev’s readings»Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2009, 4. p. 85-88read more448
On October 20-22, 2009 , the traditional International conference "Ananyev Readings" was held at St. Petersburg University.
Keywords: Ananiev’s readings
Work of dissertation councils at the MSU Department of PsychologyLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2008, 1. p. 13-21read more4000
The article presents the analysis of work of dissertation councils at the MSU Department of Psychology. Quantitative indexes of defend thesises in psychology and pedagogic are adduced for 2001–2007 years. It was made an attempt to assume the quality of defended thesises in psychological and pedagogical science, as the priority was set the task to increase heir level, in particular, due to high requirements to publications in scientific edition «Moscow University Bulletin (Vestnik). Seria 14. Psychology».
Keywords: thesis; educational psychology; psychology