Semionov I.N.

Doctor of Psychology
Doctor in Psychology
Higher School of Economics
Moscow, Russia
Russian psychology hundred-year development, sociocultural reflection: To the centenary of Soviet psychology (1918—2018)Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2018, 4. p. 4-31read more6509
Relevance. Due to centennial anniversary of soviet psychology, we would like to make analysis for the history of its institutional and subject formation within the context of Russian human study evolution, including its prerequisites before revolution and after-soviet development.
Objective. Characterize briefly, within the context of reflexive science studies and art process personology, psychology development directions and institutions, role of key scholars, summarize major achievements, including unique identity of soviet psychological science.
Methods. Analysis for subject and institutional aspects of Russian psychology evolution, describing institutions where major schools were residing and where key leaders and participants fulfilled their duties.
Results. First part contains and depicts science studies and institutional approach on presenting the historical span of Russian psychology. Second part depicts evolution of institutions, leaders’ succession and interaction of schools and directions established. Final part contains generalized conclusions on development logics and achievements of soviet psychology as preconditions to further after-soviet establishment of contemporary (Russian) psychology.
Conclusions. Soviet psychology based human studies existing before revolution legitimately succeeds the preceding evolution phase and provides evident basis for further development of psychological science during after-soviet period. Soviet scholars have developed ample materialist-dialectic methodology for study of psyche, which is the system of psychological knowledge from perspective of activity approach that had quite peculiar impetus on contemporary psychology. Currently legacy of soviet psychology interacts broadly and assimilates with foreign up-to-date approaches within the context of XXI century challenges.
Keywords: soviet psychology; history; pedagogics; science studies; personology; personality ; activity; reflection; art process; culture DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2018.04.04
А.N. Leontiev contribution in the development of psychology of thinking, engineering psychology and ergonomicsLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2018, 3. p. 3-20read more9679
Relevance. Scientific and scientific-organizational activity of a world-famous psychologist A.N. Leontiev is a constant interest of specialists in the field of humanistics, methodologists and historians of psychology. In connection with the 115th anniversary of this outstanding scientist, it seems relevant to remind readers of the poorly studied aspects of his life creation.
Objective. Description of contribution А.N. Leontiev in the development of engineering-psychological, ergonomic and reflexive-acmeological problems in the 1950-1970's.
Methods. Science-research analysis (from the positions of reflexive psychology and personology), and methodological analysis.
Results. The author analyzes such aspects of the scientific heritage of A.N. Leontiev, as his fundamental research of productive thinking and scientific creativity, as well as applied developments in the field of engineering psychology and ergonomics. The fundamental contribution of the scientist to modern human studies and to the institutional construction of psychological science is shown.
Conclusions. Scientific creativity of A.N. Leontiev in the field of psychology is interdisciplinary in nature, because it synthesizes the methodological orientations of modern humanities - natural science, technology cybernetic, social and humanitarian. The crown of the enormous scientific and organizational activity of A.N. Leontiev became a large-scale institutionalization of Russian psychology, which demanded from him not less vision and intuition, intelligence and will, diplomacy and energy than his outstanding creative activity in the field of philosophy, psychology, ergonomics and pedagogy.
Keywords: A.N. Leontiev; personology; psychology ; philosophy; methodology ; activity; thinking; ergonomics; science-research analysis DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2018.03.03
Personological re ection of life creation P.Ya. Galperin...Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2017, 2. p. 3-29read more4785
The article is an attempt of a scientific analysis of psychological and pedagogical works and historical-methodological research by P.Ya. Galperin, who is widely known as one of the most influential domestic psychologists of the second half of the 20th century and who held a position of the professor of the Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The introduction states that the fundamental works of P.Ya. Galperin had a significant impact not only on the development of a number of areas of psychological science and educational practice, but also for teaching them the basics in philosophical and psychological faculties of Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1940-1980-ies. It is noted that the developed by P.Ya. Galperin original concept and an innovative method based on fundamental philosophical grounds, and he rightfully possessed the deserved reputation of one of the largest theorists of psychological science. The following are 12 key stages of life P.Ya. Galperin. The ten main directions of his scientific and pedagogical activity are characterized. Detail reflected the development of P.Ya. Galperin and his scientific school of General and pedagogic psychology of the formation of creative thinking. Highly valued pedagogical activity of P.Ya. Galperin at Moscow University. Given the facts of the development of the heritage of P.Ya. Galperin in problem field of modern anthropology.
Keywords: Galperin P.Y.; general psychology; pedagogical psycholog; developmental psychology; history of psychology; methodology ; subject of psychology; orientation; mental and ideal acts; interiorization; scientific notions; stage-by-stage formation of mental acts; creative thinking; activity; education DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2017.02.03
Scientific-pedagogical and historical-methodological activities of B. M. Teplov at the Moscow University.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2016, 2. p. 46-63read more7683
The article characterizes the scientific activity of B. M. Teplov, one of the largest Russian psychologists of the XX century, the founder of four scientific schools in Russian psychology. Identifies the key stages of his life and creativity, emphasizes his fundamental contribution to the development of such areas of psychology as the psychology of abilities, differential psychophysiology, military psychology, history of psychology, methodology of anthropology. Special attention is paid to historical-methodological and scientific-pedagogical activity of B. M. Teplov, who made a significant contribution to the development of psychological knowledge and University education in the country, as well as training at MSU psychologists of the highest qualification.
Keywords: Teplov B.M.; general and differential psychophysiology; military psychology; history of psychology; methodology of anthropology; pedagogical activity DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2016.02.46
The reflexivity of self-observation and personology of introspection: To ontology and methodology of reflexive psychology of personality (the end)Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2015, 4. p. 98-113read more6552
In this part of the article theoretical positions proposed in the first part of the article, are implemented on empirical material of reflexivepsychological analysis of introspective self-life-creativity of the outstanding writer and thinker M.M. Zoshchenko. Given held them all his life a dramatic existential introspection M.M. Zoshchenko and corrected to reflect the semantic field of their identity, which was reflected in the development of introspective style as his artistic creativity, and social behavior of the individual. In conclusion, characterized the role of reflective dialogue as a means of enhancing introspective self-perception and self-development of individuality
Keywords: personality ; life-creativity; Mikhail Zoshchenko; behavior; reflection ; self-perception; self-observation; understanding; self-development; self-concept; personality; subjectivity; sense DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2015.04.98
The reflexivity of self-observation and personology of introspection: To ontology and methodology of ref lexive psychology of personalityLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2015, 3. p. 22-39read more8455
First part of the article analyzes the historical and scientific, etymological and methodological problems of psycho-reflexivity personology study self-perception and self-observation – through introspection – a man’s own Self as an integrated personality and social personality. Considered external opposition, socio-objective determination of human mental activity and its internal, reflexive sense of life, the source of which is the individual amateur I. From these positions explicated logic of perceptual psychology: the study of perception through introspection objectivity to subjectivity reflection reflexive self-perpetuating I proposed ontology of psychological reality of the inner life, where its components are incorporated such as: self-actualization, self-perception, self-knowledge, self-understanding, self-awareness, self-determination, selfactualization personality I. In the context of reflexive psychology, personology considered reflexive nature of introspection problem-conflict situations in the self-identity sphere of artistic and scientific creativity. In the second part of the article the proposed theoretical propositions are realized on empirical material reflexive psychological analysis of introspective self-life-creativity outstanding writer and thinker M.M. Zoshchenko. Given held them all his life a dramatic existential introspection M.M. Zoshchenko and corrected to reflect the semantic field of their identity, which was reflected in the development of introspective style as his artistic creativity, and social behavior of the individual. In conclusion, characterized the role of reflective dialogue as a means of enhancing introspective self-perception and self-identity I am human.
Keywords: psychology ; methodology ; ontology; personology; personality ; behavior; activity; consciousness ; introspection; reflection ; cognition; perception; self-perception; self-observation; sense; understanding; self-development; self-concept; professional self-concept; subjectivity; life-creativity DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2015.03.22
P.Ya. Galperin’s theory as a conceptual base of the refl ective psychology of creative thinkingLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2012, 4. p. 83-91read more3447
P.Ya. Galperin part in developing of refl ective psychology of creativity is being analyzed. Th e theory of orientation as psychology subject is treated as conceptual base for theoretically-experimental studies of the refl ective function in organizing thinking activity and self-regulation in process of productive thinking in creativityrequiring tasks in the problem solving.
Keywords: P.Ya. Galperin’s theory; orientation; reflection ; formation ; problem solving