Salmina, N.G.

Dr. Sci. (Psychology)
Professor at the Department of Psychology of Education and Pedagogics, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Ethnic Stereotypes in the Perception of Advertising by Young PeopleLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2023, 4. p. 227-247read more1505
Background. Stereotyping is an important part of social cognition. Therefore, it attracts a lot of attention from psychologists and sociologists. Ethnic stereotypes are not only a reflection of established prejudices and false ideas, but also a kind of social “barometer” indicating possible social problems. Modern studies have revealed the relationship between stereotypes and real ethnic diversity, and also indicate that the subjective feeling of disadvantage is a breeding ground for the emergence and existence of ethnic stereotypes.
Sample. The study involved 88 people, representatives of 4 countries.
Objective. The article aims to substantiate theoretically, to identify empirically, as well as to classify ethnic stereotypes in the perception of advertising by young people, representatives of four ethnic groups.
Methods. The study simulated a situation of interethnic interaction, in which the participants acted as the “authors” of 6 advertising messages and 3 commercials. They had to write stories selecting the “main characters”, whose participation would illustrate the attractiveness of the advertised product or service. A set of typical images of representatives of different ethnic groups was proposed. Psychological diagnostics was aimed at establishing differences between groups. were An express questionnaire “Tolerance Index” (G.U. Soldatova, O.A. Kravtsova, O.E. Khukhlaev, L.A. Shaigerova) and emotional empathy questionnaire (Emotional Empathic Tendency Scale, EETS) designed to determine the level of empathic tendencies, the ability to empathize as a personal trait by A. Mehrabian and N. Epstein were used.
Results. Areas of social practices where autostereotypes and heterostereotypes appear were identified. Themes where new stereotypes appear were identified. The diagnostics showed that there is no statistically significant difference in the indicators of tolerance and empathy between representatives of the 4 groups.
Conclusions. The results of the study can be explained by the fact that participants demonstrated the unity of social group, the youth. The results obtained can be interpreted as evidence that for modern young people, the decisive factor in the formation of stereotypes is information transmitted through various means, which clearly acquires a transnational character.
Keywords: stereotype; ethnic stereotype; social cognition; advertising; perception; images; communication; intercultural cooperation; empathy; tolerance DOI: 10.11621/LPJ-23-46
The Problem of Cross-Cultural Communication in Foreign ResearchesLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2022, 4. p. 92-114read more1724
Background. Intercultural interaction is the basis of positive development in the modern world. However, situations of conflicts and crises seriously disrupt cross-cultural communication. An analysis of the results of studies conducted in different countries and in different situations makes it possible to identify the psychological foundations for overcoming the negative consequences of violations of intercultural interaction.
Objective. Present the experience of researching the problem of cross-cultural communication.
Methods. Review of foreign literature.
Results. An analysis of modern research on the problems of cross-cultural communication has shown that, with the unconditional recognition of the characteristics of the cultures to which the studied groups belong as the leading determinant of the study, there is no socio-psychological typology of cultures, which does not allow building a predictive analysis of the interaction of representatives of different cultures. The studies describe various types of indirect, substitutive contact, the conditions of which allow establishing positive relationships, which is especially important in situations of protracted systemic political and economic crises. Researchers believe that objective conditions have developed for the functioning of intercultural psychology and that broad interdisciplinary cooperation is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the means of cross-cultural communication offered by psychologists.
Conclusion. The role of the semiotic approach in the study of cross-cultural communication is revealed. Since cultural differences are combined at the level of cultural codes, the semantic aspect of the combination of different cultures is a source of possible misunderstandings and contradictions. Mediated, substitute, indirect contacts of people help to overcome misunderstandings and create a basis for active intercultural cooperation. In this case, conditions are created not only for understanding the representatives of contacting cultures, but the understanding of all representatives of a different culture improves. The attitude towards representatives of cultures that do not participate in substitutive contact also improves. This effect is considered as intercultural competence.
Keywords: cross-cultural communication; groups ; situation of interaction; type of contact; interculturalism - "dialogue of cultures"; art; communication efficiency; interdisciplinary research DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2022.04.04
Symbolic function in the structure of consciousnessLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2019, 3. p. 124-140read more18132
Relevance. The results of the interaction of man and the environment are fixed and function in the mind with the help of signs and symbols. The need to study the patterns of mastering the subject content presented in a symbolic form, as well as socialization in general, makes it important to appeal to the fundamental question of the correlation of symbolic function with the structure and work of consciousness.
Objective. This article represents the processual model of consciousness allowing to consider the symbolic function as a moving force of human connection with the surrounding world. The essence of this connection is cognitive.
Methods. Analysis, synthesis and modeling. The study was carried out in the concept of a semiotic approach.
Results. Social origin of consciousness allows to model its structure. The following components of consciousness can be distinguished: the sensual fabric of an image; biodynamic fabric of the movement and action; meaning; sense.
The symbolic function should be studied within the concept of the processual model consciousness. Logic of processual model imposes studying of signs and symbols moving from the separate nominal condition through the systemic organization to the reflection.
Conclusions. Consciousness can be studied through the processual model, where the main characteristic of its elements is the interaction and mediation by signs and symbols. The primacy of a sign or symbol is determined by the degree of orientation of the subject in the situation. The transition of a sign into a symbol occurs as a result of the inclusion of a separate sign in an increasing number of sign-symbolic systems. This is possible in the process of personal temporal and spatial inclusion in the general vector of the “chronotope”.
Keywords: consciousness ; sign ; symbol ; symbolic function; image of the world; structure DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2019.03.124
Development of symbolic function in the concept of dialogue of culturesLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2018, 2. p. 24-39read more4662
Relevance. On the course of the history human development is attended by and is determined by development of sing and symbolic systems, cultural codes of different languages. Modern civilization dictates the necessity of active intercultural exchange.
Objective. Analyzing the problem of exploring the development of symbolic function being achieved as unity of affective (emotional, “personally experienced”) and cognitive (intellectual, “subjective and knowledgeable”).
Methods. Theoretical analysis of cultural typology presented by B.S. Bibler; structural and content analysis of the world image as a generalized construction of the social realm representativity in the human mind; objective and analytical approach to studying artifacts as social interaction mediated results.
Results. We substantiated the symbolic function as an individual mechanism implemented in culturally determined representation systems necessary for the emergence of interaction between individuals and for learning social implications. Studying the symbolic function presupposes analyzing those cultures where sign and symbolic means are created. Sign and symbolic means as cultural codes mediate human development and, at the same time, determine it. Signs and their systems being used in practical activity record achievements of human experience and allow creation of “cultural artifacts”.
Conclusions. The image of the world is represented in the culture, and cultural types indicate different images of the world in people belonging to those cultures. The structure of artifacts implements the function of the world image: representation of the structure, its logical links, and a set of tools for mediation in their symbolic role as well as the possible form of experiencing. Symbolic function is actively developed while learning. The content of polycultureeducation is focused learning of sign and symbolic systems’ principles creation and functioning. Instruments of activity themselves are considered as primary artifacts, and secondary artifacts are the rules of primary artifacts use.
Keywords: image of the world; culture; sign ; symbol ; symbolic function; artifact DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2018.02.24
The program of forming mathematical concepts and the experience of its implementation in primary school.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2012, 4. p. 101-112read more7316
The description of the longitudinal experiment (1965—1970) which was conducted in N 1 Moscow school with primary pupils (year 1—year 4) is discussed in the article. In addition, the P.Ya. Galperin’s program of forming of initial mathematical concepts is described. The results have demonstrated high achievements in academic performance. More importantly, psychological conclusions concerning principles of organization of the school subjects and organization of the activity based on theory of forming of mental actions were drawn.
Keywords: theory of planned stage-by-stage formation of mental actions; initial orientating; propaedeutic program; generalized schemes ; ability to clot actions; combination of forms of action
Formation of a generalized method of composite pictures assembly.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2011, 3. p. 117-131read more7342
The article is devoted to description of an experimental study of the problem of a generalized method assembling of composite pictures by preschool children age (based on puzzles (P), composite pictures (CP) and geometric brain-twisters (GBT). A number of conditions have an influence on formation of an assembling method, e.g. type of playing material, insertion sequence of different kind of materials, insertion of materials with/without of used patterns. All these conditions assist or prevent from guidelines selection for an action implementation, formation of a generalized method with formation of which is linked perceptual development.
Keywords: visual perception ; activity according to or without a pattern ; brain-twisters