Nechaev, Nikolai N.

Doctor of Psychology
Member of the Russian Academy of Education
Moscow, Russia
Profession and professionalism: to the tasks of the psychology of professional creativity.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2016, 4. p. 3-15read more5596
Proceeding from his own concept of professional creativity, the author consistently analyzes the concepts of profession and specialty, as well as professionalism, pointing to the factors that led socially and historically to changes in the world of professional activity and the corresponding changes in vocational training. On a vast array of material, it is shown that the process of professional development as the search for non-trivial ways of development of activities should become the basis of professional training in any field.
Keywords: profession; specialty; professional activity; methods of activity; professionalism DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2016.04.03
The role of step-by-step formation theory in the activity approach methodology development.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2012, 4. p. 23-42read more8207
The step-by-step formation theory methodological potential is discussed. The article covers some of the most important notions of A.N. Leontiev’s activity approach development history with special attention to the possibilities of their reviewing nowadays on the basis of P.Ya. Galperin’s theory statements.
Keywords: methodology ; psyche ; activity; development ; step-by-step formation; orientation; subject of psychology