Markelov, Vladimir I.

Graduate of the faculty of psychology of Lomonosov MSU
The influence of specially organized stimulation on change of “Self-actualization Test” indicators at students of helping professions.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2012, 4. p. 148-158read more3909
In article the structure of professional and creative self-updating (PCS) of students of future experts of helping professions is analyzed. Results of experiment on stimulation of process of PCS of students (N=126) helping professions are given. By results of performance by respondents “Self-actualization Test” (SAT) before experiment found efficiency of a lecture and practical form of giving of a stimulating material; changes in two vital spheres of the personality — valuable and self-acceptance are revealed; distinctions in independence of behavior and acts of influence from the outside, in aspiration to be guided in life by own purposes, belief, installations and principles between students of internal and correspondence forms of education are noted.
Keywords: self-actualization; development of the person ; helping professions; stimulation; “Self-actualization Test” (SAT); students of internal and correspondence forms of education