Berseneva Natalia V.

Lomonosov Moscow State University
Moscow, Russia
Age-dependent psychological and individual children’s possibilities of systematic investigation of the creative problem-solving task in the mainstream of P.Ya. Galperin’s approach.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2012, 4. p. 92-100read more6002
The presented work continues P.Ya. Galperin’s approach to the study of creative thinking. As is known, success of creative problem-solving tasks (CPS) at Galperin’s scientific school contacts with the organized and systematic approach to the analysis and solution of the task. Age-dependent-psychological and individual possibilities of preschoolers, primary school children and adolescents in the decision of some system of CPS features are analyzed.
Keywords: creative thinking; creative problem-solving tasks (CPS); the systematic investigation of the CPS; the age-related neoformations; preschool age; middle childhood; adolescence
Comparative age-related research of creative problem-solving tasks with sudden insights.Lomonosov Psychology Journal, 2011, 2. p. 86-96read more4384
In article are described main results of the study of creative problem-solving tasks (CPS) with sudden insights for various age-specific periods. A classification of testing tasks was developed referencing thinking methods leading to creative solutions such as addition, modification, unification and transformation. This set of creative problem-solving tasks was offered to 7 groups of 200 children age 3 to 15 and 50 adults. Early insights were found in 4-year olds’ work on very simple tasks. Data indicate that the dynamics of CPS skills development varied by the age cohort.
Keywords: creativity; development of creative thinking; creative problem-solving tasks with sudden insights