Bogoyavlenskaya, D.B.

Doctor of Psychology
Federal Scientific Center of Psychological and Multidisciplinary Research
Professor, doctor in Psychology.
Member of the President's Council, member of the Coordinating Council RPS. Head of laboratory Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education Moscow.
Giftedness: the answer one and a half centuries laterLomonosov Psychology Journal, 2010, 3. p. 3-17read more4701
The article puts special emphasis on the necessity of giving a scientifically grounded definition to such a concept as «giftedness». By taking a retrospective look on the problem the author reveals reasons why the perception of giftedness as «intellect above average» is so widespread. Determining a unit of analysis of giftedness (i.e. ability to develop activity on one’s own initiative) and creating a method for its measurement («systematic observation») made it possible to realize F. galton’s concept of giftedness.
Keywords: giftedness ; systemic quality ; diagnostics; unit of analysis; personality ; scaling; abilities; development ; genius